Eh Bien.. the long break (10 days) is over. Time for cat to go back to work.
1st lesson : Cat should not go back to sleep after 'Sahur'. (naughty grin)
Ceh.. Re 'wake up' at 7.30am and had a fun time getting ready to go to work. (Took a bath, hit knee against a chair, call to friend to say to wait for cat, searching up and down for ID card,hit elbow against another chair..ow..and rushing to the front gate just to realize no handphone in the pocket. Go back inside the house, take handphone and went outside exactly at the same time transport come. Reached office : 8.50am. he3x. Not bad. But got 2 bruises to show for it : 1 kat lutut & 1 kat siku). Kesian cat.. ceh kesian kat diri sendiri. (senyum)
Ahh.. good old office. Rindu nya. Everything looks just the same. Oppss.. what is that brown coloured thing on cat's table? 'pokok'! It completely slips cat's mind. Forgot to ask anyone to help look after it. And this is a gift from cat's ex-boss, whose office is just by the accounts. Think cat! ok.. let's check it again. Thank God.. only the top leaves are brown. So cat can cut that part and let the green leaves show. Fuh.. This is what happens when you never go for a long break for so long. You missed out certain details that you usually take for granted.
Now for the big event..opening cat's work e-mail. Taking a seat first and making cat self comfortable. No milo this morning (he3x..fasting ma..). Switch on the PC, putting in password, starting ok.. 50, 60, counting.. 70, 80.. 100....ok.. 200.. gulp..220... and 350! 350 e-mails & tasks to check and take action. Going to be a long day today.. Welcome back, cat.
Cat: Miss u too, my good old pc .. (smile)