Behind Scene

Writing has been a great passion of mine.

Alas, not everyone would agree that on the fact that I could write a note or a story. Especially 'Teacher'. Teacher was always trying to get me to choose writing formal letters when it comes to writing essays during the exam. She said that I have no patience and no talent to write stories. Writing needed passion and a sense of poetry, which I do not have. Finally convinced by teacher, I then became a mathematical person. playing with reports and numbers :D

Nevertheless, it's hard to completely forget about writing as I have always been a great fan of simple poems, quotes and poetry since I was small. Even though I was often told that I cannot write nor have the talent to create something beautiful, I can still appreciate and enjoy the work of others.

When I finished high school, I had a new hobby: writing letters to teachers, friends, my beloved one. When people replied and mentioned that they enjoyed reading my letters, I started to write more and more. This is when I realized that I am better at writing notes than fiction.

Last year, a long lost friend of mine introduced me to blogging and facebook as a way of releasing tension. A kind of therapy actually. I decided to give it a try and automatically fell in love with it.

And so begins a long journey of learning, accidently deleting whole blogs, copy, paste and starting all over again.
And so the story goes..

Thank you for reading my notes.. :)
She glances at the photo, and the pilot light of memory flickers in her eyes. ~Frank Deford

The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time. ~Friedrich Nietzsche

Things that were hard to bear are sweet to remember. ~Seneca

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