
1. Looking back in time, have you changed a lot these past years?
* I would say so. And much much older also.
2. What would you remember most?
* The sad times, the good times and all those in between..
3. What do you feel right now?
* Sad and empty. There are times when you feel that you have tried your very best to fulfill someone's expectation, hoping that it would bring a smile to their face. Alas, things never happen as you desired. Hopes were dashed and dreams remain as dreams.
4. Your favorite color?
* Well , last year it was black. :) This year it varies between purple and pink :p
5. What did you do last weekend?
* Packing to go to Singapore. My favorite city :)
3. What is the most important part of your life?
* Being able to give priority to what is important in life
4. What would you rather be doing?
* :) laughing..
5. What did you last cry over?
* An argument and the feeling of emptiness
6. What always makes you feel better when you’re upset?
* When everything is back to normal..
7. What’s the most important thing you look for in a significant other?
* Understanding. patience and a sense of humor
8. What are you worried about?
* Of not being brave or strong enough.
9. What did you have for breakfast?
* Milo
10. : Put your favorite photograph of your best friend.
Best friend..best friend..best friend.. :p
I guess my best friend would be my.. :p
11: Name your favorite movie.
Of all the movies that she has seen, this would be the story which really touches the heart.
The Notebook starts with a view of an old man who reads aloud to an old, invalid woman whom he regularly visits at an old folk's home. As he reads from a faded notebook, his words bring to life the story about a couple who is separated by World War II, and is then passionately reunited, seven years later, after they have taken different paths.
Though the old woman's memory has faded, his words give her the chance to relive her turbulent youth and the unforgettable love they shared.
As teenagers, Allie (Rachel McAdams) and Noah (Ryan Gosling) begin a whirlwind courtship that soon blossoms into love. The young couple is quickly separated by Allie's upper-class parents who insist that Noah is not the right type for her.
Several years pass, and, when they meet again, their passion is rekindled, forcing Allie to choose between her soul mate and her rich fiancee.
This notebook has a special meaning to the old man who you can guess is the young man in the story. A love that survives age and time..
Starting time : 9.01pm
Name : Aidahana
Nickname : Hana
Shoe Size: 5 or 36
Height: Average :p
* Where do you live : Malaysia
* Have u ever been in plane : Yes
* Swam in the ocean : Been in the ocean, yes. Swimming, No. :)
* Fallen asleep at school : Don't think so. :)
* Broken someone's heart : Yes.
^ Fell off your chair : A few times. :p During April fool years ago and for laughing so hard..
* Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Yes..
* Saved emails : Yes. Dislike to delete e-mails except spams..
* What is your room like : Cozy.. with a few teddy bears here and there.. :p
* What's right beside you : Pillow and handphone
What is the last thing u ate : Tuna mayonaise Macaroni salad.. :)
Ever had Chicken pox : Of course. Like everyone else
Sore throat : When crying so much or when flu.. :)
Broken nose : Nope. Still straight
Do you believe in love at first sight : Yes.
Like picnic : Love 'Picnic' chocolate bar
Who was/were...the last person you danced with : With a classmate at the graduation dinner a long long time ago.
Last made you smile : Aida :)
Who you last yelled at : Never. Do not like to yell. Peace..
Today,did you talked to someone you like : No..
Kissed anyone : Not today..
Get sick : Mostly stomach ache.. especially when busy and forgotten to eat
Talk to an ex : No. Never.
Miss someone : Yes...
Who do you really hate : Really hate, no one. :) Dislike: some people.
Do you like your hand-writing : Yes, it's different from anyone else.
Are your toe nails painted : Nope. :) naturally pink
What color shirt are you wearing now : A bright light green Man U T-shirt
Are you a friendly person : Depends. :)
Do you have any pets : If you count my virtual desktop pet, then the answer is yes :)
Do you sleep with the laptop on : Sometimes. :) Usually I'll put it on 'sleep mode'
What are you doing right now : Answering this tag... and thinking of someone
Can you handle the truth : Hmm.. sometimes
Are you closer to your mother or father : My Dad, I guess..before he passed away..
Do you eat healthy : Sometimes.
Do you still have pictures of you and your ex : Yes.
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to: Him
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : Quiet..except when i'm with him.
Are you confident : Depends.. :)
* Tell us your idea of the perfect first date.
My idea of the perfect first date.?
Well, firstly, the place. :) It doesn't have to be a 5 star restaurant or somewhere too posh where you just have to mind your manners and your mind starts wondering what that long sounding dish that you just ordered is.
Nope, that wouldn't do. :)
For me, I would not mind where the place is and not necessarily expensive, as long as it's not too noisy and not too crowded. It can be at a quant coffee shop at Jonker Street or at the park, where there's a chance to talk, to see how the person really is, towards me and towards others.
The food might not taste good, but the environment would be perfect. There would not be any uneasy silence. We would talk over coffee or hot chocolate about each other, about work, laugh at certain common things we find funny, and agree or disagree comfortably.
Q: What makes you different from everyone else?
This question should really be posted to others, instead of myself. :)
A simple and yet hard to answer question. It has taken me a few days of reflection in order to get a satisfying answer. It's not that easy to see your own self through another person's eyes.
If you ask boss this question, he might have said that I am in the category of serious but naif person. Also..an impatient person and cannot hide her thoughts from showing on her face. (Guess, I can never play poker, then). Boss always manage to surprise and amazed me with new insight of office politics.
Mum would say that she's the one who has given me my passion in writing and painting. Quite true.. but I never inherited her knack in cooking. Mum's cooking is the best..and she could throw anything into the pot and it turns out good. I would always need to double check and follow the portions indicated in the recipe book. :)
Dad has given me his love for reading. And also a bit of his stubborn streak as well as a passion for history. Him being sure in everything he does, and me being so unsure when it comes to the questions of my own life. Not so sure if my own judgement is good enough..
What makes me different from others..?
I guess.. I am an independent, and yet stubborn person. Easily hurt but easily pacified also.
I really don’t make new friends easily either. Odd and a reserved person. Willing to let another person talk their head off while I sit and listen.
Well.. My answer would be: This is me. I'll be your friend if you'll be mine too. Just take me as I am.. and I will stand by you.

"The rain may be falling hard outside, But your smile makes it all alright."
Author: Robert Alan
1) What are the 6 most important thing in your life?
* Rukun Negara (everything in it)
* My small and cute little car
* Writing
* Working
* To be able to do all the things that I want to do..
* Him
2) What is the thing you treasured most that you have bought with your own money?
* My Viva of course :)
3) Where do you wish to go , if you won a free ticket in a lucky draw?
* Thailand.. or where ever the heart desires..Far away from here..
(I know..i know..most wud say Mekah. :) But that one i would pay with my own money)
4) Where was the last restaurant you had your dinner?
Hmm... most probably EQ.. :)
5) Name 5 things that you hate?
* Traffic jam
* Motorcyclists driving in the middle of a narrow street and doing it very very slooooowly.. Hmm..make it also drivers who do that.
* Being shouted or scolded without valid reason
* Those who claimed to be friends, but stab you in the back
* Frogs, lizards.. and all those that comes between the 2 of them..
6) Name 5 things that you like?
* Driving my Viva :)
* Being with, laughing with and talking with someone..
* Looking at the sky and everything that is there ..stars, moon, aeroplane lights :p
* Working (keeps the mind from thinking of unwanted things)
* Ice Cream, ice cream and ice cream..
List down all the things that have 'Stars' in them :
1) Twinkle twinkle little star :)
2) Origami Star
3) Honey Star
4) Super Star
5) Star Paper :)
6) Star Anise :)
7) Starwars
8. Star trek.
9. Starship Trooper.
10. Starman
1) Name one of the Superhero that you admire.
The Flash :)
2) Give 5 reasons why you like this Superhero.
* The fastest man alive ! He can even run faster than Superman. : ) Sigh.Wish can run like that
* He can think , react and move at super speed
* Can speed read at incredible rate and process info immediately
* He's so fast that he can walk over water and even laju than PosLaju or PosExpress :p
* He's wearing red.. :)
3) Name a Supervillian that you admire.
Hmm.. how to admire a Super villian? They always lose at the end.
Well., I would say that I like 'Catwoman' :)
4) Why? Please give 5 reasons.
* Well, she's a Cat , of course.
* Cool , detached, unreliable... :p nice kan..
* She's actually not a Super villian but rather .. she only likes jewels a lot. Dia tak de letupkan bangunan and all that
* Love it when i saw Michelle Pfeiffer as Cat woman..
* She is irresistibly drawn to cat motifs :)
Q: 5 facts about you
1) Someone who loves looking at the night sky. Some people would say that she is hopelessly romantic. But for her, it just calms her down to see peaceful night sky with the stars glittering around the crescent moon.
2) Hopeless in reading maps. She has no GPS pre installed in her head. :p
3) Loves art as well as comics that are beautifully drawn as well as poetry. :)
4) Thinks too much. :) Need to cut the quota. Too much thinking gives you headache (and nothing is solved. As Nike says : Just Do It)
5) A scaredy cat actually. But would hold on and face the storms when worse comes to worse. By the way, love the roller coaster rides..the scarier, the better.
To feel the heart pumping at 120km/h, hair standing on end, legs trembling and yet surviving the ride.
Q: Post on your blog a song to match your mood
At the pace that I am going, this was, is and will be one of the song that will always come up when I feel sad or when things keep going wrong (regardless of how hard you try to make it right). A kind of song that is best listening to when you are alone..
Don't leave me in all this pain
Don't leave me out in the rain
Come back and bring back my smile
Come and take these tears away
I need your arms to hold me now
The night are so unkind
Bring back those nights when I held you beside me
Un-break my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked out of my life
Un-cry these tears
I cried so many nights
Un-break my heart
My heart
Take back that sad word good-bye
Bring back the joy to my life
Don't leave me here with these tears
Come and kiss that pain away
I can't forget the day you left
Time is so unkind
And life is so cruel without you here beside me
Un-break my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked out of my life
Un-cry these tears
I cried so many nights
Un-break my heart
My heart
Don't leave me in all this pain
Don't leave me out in the rain
Bring back the nights when I held you beside me
Un-break my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked out of my life
Un-cry that tears
I cried so many, many nights
Un-break my
Un-break my heart
Come back and say you love me
Un-break my heart
Sweet darlin'
Without you I just can't go on
Can't go on....