It's that time of the year again : School Holidays.
That word must have sound so sweet to school teachers. Alas, this is the busiest period for hotels. There's the good side: more revenue, and the not so good side: hard to get a long leave.
The simple solution : bring Cici to visit Melaka. :p Ceh, this is not so bad. Not all local people has seen all that there is to be seen in their own hometown. Just ask the KL people: How many have been to the National Museum or to the National Zoo? (Big grin) 1 in 20 people only is going to put up their hands.
Every Saturday or Sunday, if either boss or mum does not have any activities planned for me (ahem), I will try to find something new for Cici to visit and learn :p.
One of the latest attraction in Melaka : The 20mil planetarium at MITC, Ayer Keroh. For info, Melaka has one planetarium already 'The Al-Khawarizmi Astronomy Complex situated in Tanjung Bidara. The entrance was set at RM 10 nett for adult and RM 5 nett for children.
From the outside, the building is very impressive. Big white building (just what a planetarium is supposed to be :) with a man made waterfall in front of it. Well, the main attraction is the 250 seats theater which is equipped with the latest digitally operated equipment in the country. The sphere projection acts as if we are really looking into space (the seat is set 45-degree in position). The show was on beauty and secret of the universe, planets. The end. :)
Alas, that is all that I can say about the planetarium. There were other displays nicely put up at the lobby exhibition area. Dark and mysterious. Mysterious? Well..there was no one to explain or demonstrate on the things. You need to read the poster on the wall, and figure out what the 'wires and rods' are supposed to present. Dark place + reading= ? Hmm.. interesting isn't it.
There were video recording of space plans ..but wish there were guides explaining things like the ones at Petrosains. That should make it lively and interesting.
"Look! You are standing on the moon!". What? Ooo..fancy that. :) The moon is beneath my feet.
Mohd Ali berkata pelbagai prasarana akan diwujudkan seperti, Perpustakaan Angkasa Lepas (Aerospace Library), Water Musical Fronter dan penghasilan buku-buku berteraskan pendidikan astronomi dan angkasa lepas.
Sehubungan itu, katanya Planetarium Melaka dijangka meminta bantuan Planetarium Negara untuk membiayai kos membina kutub khanah itu, manakala kos pembinaan Water Musical Front oleh Kementerian Pelancongan.

If you ask around, basically there are 5 big and common regrets that dying people often voiced out loud:
1) I wish I had the courage to live the life that I wanted to. Not the life that others expected of me.
When people realized that they are dying, they tend to look back at the past. It's easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not even tried to achieve half of their dreams. All because of choices that they have or have not made.
2) I wish I did not work so hard.
Most regretted of the times spent at the office or at work. They missed their kids' growing years and their partner's companionship. All those birthdays, anniversaries, teachers-parents day, every special and sad events.
3) I wish I had the courage to voice out my feelings.
Some people keep all their feelings inside in order to keep the peace with others. As a result, they choose to live a mediocre life. They never become who they were capable of becoming. Some choose a safe life instead of going after the one that they love till it's too late.
4) I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends
Some people would not truly realized the full benefits of old friends until their last dying days. By then, it's not always possible to track the friends down.
Some of us has become so caught up with our lives that we had let our friendship slip over the years.
5) I wish I had let myself be happier
Some of us never realize that happiness is a choice. We had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits, comfortable with the safety of the routine.
Fear of changes made people pretend to others and themselves that they were content. Deep within they just want to laugh properly and be silly whenever they want to and not be restricted to conform to their lifestyle.