'If a man insisted always on being serious, and never allow himself to relax, he would surely become unstable without realizing it' :)
What to do this weekend? Oh..Where's the list? Let's see. Got to go and buy some groceries, wash the car, finish writing, pay bills, .. Oo it does seems a lot. If you count the hours, Sundays has become as busy as a normal working day.. and sometimes much more. No wonder sometimes you were still tired when it's time to go to the office on Monday.
Well, why don't you do something more important this Sunday? What is it? (Smile) Just do nothing. How? Hehehe.. Why don't we just relax this Sunday. Put your feet up and do nothing. Come on and give yourself permission to take an hour or two off. You deserve it after a week long of toiling at the office.
Go on, brew a cup of coffee.. take your favorite book, a soft pillow, switch on the radio and sit at the sofa. Oo.. and also do bring along the cat that has been looking at you with her big shiny hopeful eyes..(smile) Sit down, relax.. and enjoy the day. Talk or read to cat. Time to bond back with the little creature.
Take control of life by letting all the stress out on an off day. Work is what you have to do to make a living. But living is what you do to help you work :)So, live a little. Take a break. This is another version for those who are allergic to flowers. Take the time, stop and smell the Coffe.. oo.. hated that smell :p
Signing off,
'Heavy hearts, like heavy clouds in the sky, are best relieved by the letting of a little water.' ~Antoine Rivarol-
Where would be the safest place to hide away and cry? Far, far away from questioning eyes and pitiful looks?
Sometimes, when things turns bad and when the heart just couldn't keep up with the sadness and sorrow, cat's favorite place would be in the bathroom while taking a bath. If anyone asks about the red eyes, cat would just say that soap got into them..(that is if anyone does ask). The good part in this is: there wouldn't be any need to search for a tissue. (smile). The bonus is : the water refreshes you and won't leave any traces of tears behind.. unlike what crying on the pillow does.
The best place.., if you are very very lucky, would be on a dear friend's shoulder.
Signing off,
Dear Memoir,
When the archangel first approached the Prophet Muhammad at a cave in the side of Mount Hiraq, the archangel instructed the prophet to read. The prophet, who was an illiterate said that he did not know how to read. After the 3rdtime the Archangel said,' Read! In the name of your Lord, who has created all that exists, and who has created men from a clot of congealed blood'. (Surah Al-Alaq) And that is the first verse of the Quran.
That put cat in a thoughtful mood tonight. They say curiosity kills the cat. But there are still so many things to see and learn. Even without going too far away, cat is learning something new everyday just by logging in to Facebook and blog walking, ohh.. and also 'google'ing.
Someone was asking, why does cat keep on reading, asking and writing. Well, how else would cat know about things, people and places? Sometimes, just by reading, you would know what is happening elsewhere in the world. You would also have different views and can form your own opinion on an issue without just following what people say. You learn to differentiate facts from myths. You get to know the mistakes done by the elders in the past and see if you can avoid it.
There are still a lot of things out there and a lifetime will not be enough to gather all that knowledge. And the only way to access it is by continuing to read and learn and meet new friends.
Signing off,
Simply Cat

It's been hard when the going is rough
And you are many thousand miles away from home
You look around but there's only empty rows of chairs
It's been lovely but the moment is near
To write down the final chapter and turn the page
It's time to face what you know in your heart
That the world keeps on turning, while you have lost your heart..

1. What type of movies that would interest you?
* Romantic Comedy
* Thriller and horror movies
2. When people say 'Ghost', what film comes to your mind?
* Ghostbusters! :) of course..
* Casper, the friendly ghost
* Ghost (Patrick Swayze)
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
* Hard question. Seems like ages and ages ago.
Thinking...thinking.. :p I give up. Cannot remember lah. :)
4. What is your favorite TV show?
* TV show? Hmm.. :) also something that Cat has not done for quite some time.. watching tv
5. When someone says 'Red', what movie do you think of?
* Hellboy
* Ironman :)
* His fav color....
6. When someone says 'GREEN', what comes to your mind?
* The Hulk
* Green Lantern
* The swarm monster
7. What do you dislike about cinemas ?
* In the old days, it was the fear of cockroaches or mice running at your feet
* Nowadays, when people in front of you talks loudly about what's in the next plot
8. Name a movie that has a cat as it's main character?
* Garfield! :)
9. The word 'Black'?
* Men in Black
* Midnight
10. Favorite animation?
* Tim Burton's 'Nightmare before Christmas'
The news was stating that in Indonesia, starting 1st Jan 2010, the Aceh Morality Police have taken to hauling up women for wearing tight trousers. In one district, they plan to make women hand over their tight trousers and cut the offending attire up on the spot. Don't let your mind wander that far: The women would be given long skirts for free while the the authority cut the trousers.
Hmm.. just think of that. Why is it that a woman's dressing is always subject to much regulations? The article was saying that the move was to help instill stronger faith in men and not be distracted with tempting views of women clad in tight jeans. Wonder if anyone thought of women being distracted with views of men clad in tight pants.. Food for thoughts :p
Me, on a personal view, would much prefer pants than skirts because of work. You can't always carry a handbag with you everywhere in the hotel. So, likewise, it's easier to put a cell phone in the pants pockets as well as money, keys and ID card. One more thing.. you won't have guys looking at your behind when you climb the staircase or when you want to step up to climb on the bus. By the way, the chances of a woman showing more of her leg/knee is greater when a woman rides a motorcycle wearing a skirt. The skirt needs to be hiked up till the knee. Again, food for thoughts..
As a last note on this..I am certainly not against wearing a long skirt. It does look more elegant than wearing pants :)..but depending on the occasion and place.
Agreed that women should not be wearing too tights a jeans (not a pretty sight also) but women should be allowed to wear pants and jeans if they wanted to. Guys will be guys and you certainly can't stop the mind from wandering and wondering about things like that. There are men who when they see a woman wearing the purdah (black garment that covers the majority of a woman's features and body , except for the eyes), still wonders what lies beneath. Like the author says..either way, a woman still can't win in this situation. Food for thoughts.