Appreciate that someone while you can.
Just assume that you might die tomorrow or you will not be able to see the person that you love anymore..that today would be your last day together.
Only 1 way to go about it:
Treat the one that you love with your whole heart so that there will not be any regrets in the future.
Treasure those moments..
Life as it is..Sometimes it rains and sometimes the sun shines brighter than ever...
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Baby Hatch

Last week, I heard that the Singapore Government is urging Singaporeans to make.. have more babies (the childbirth rate is at 1.2 on 2009, compared to the expected 2.2). While one country is calling for more babies, another country seems to have a surplus of it.
I have once written a post on unwanted babies some time ago. It seems that this is still happening. Just look at the newspapers. Daily, there will be 1 or 2 articles on babies being left or abandoned at public areas or being flushed down the public toilet. The latest news was that a newborn baby (with its umbilical cord still attached) was found dead inside a rubbish bin which caught fire earlier that morning.
Today, I am happy to hear that an organization called OrphanCARE has set up a baby 'HATCH' service in Malaysia. Basically, these hatches are for single or unwed mothers who felt that they have no other options to leave the banies at the hatch without being asked any questions. This will certainly help to save the unwanted babies' lives and prevent them from being abandoned at dump sites or drains. This will also help to fulfill the dreams of childless couples. Kudos to OrphanCARE!
Alas, all new ideas always have people who are against it.
The Deputy Minister of Women, Family and Community Department said that the hatches will only encourage more women to abandon their child. Those who approach the Dept, will be provided with counselling and financial assistance. These women are also encouraged to send their unwanted children to the government welfare department.
I was just wondering about something. Please bear with me for a while.
The welfare department has been there for such a long period..any still there is no change in this issue. One of the factors would be because of the 'shariah law' which affected the muslim mothers. If you sent your child to a welfare home, you would need to leave your details to allow the adoption process to take place. And when they do that, if the child is born out of wedlock, the mother would be caned for having sex out of marriage. This might be why there are still babies being dumped everywhere, don't you think so?
I am not saying that we should not follow the shariah law. The law is still law. But what about those babies..? Isn't the prime objective of the baby hatch is to save the babies from gruesome death?
Why don't we give the project a chance. See if it can work out or not. The Govt Dept can take one more step in doing frequent checks on the hatches to ensure no abuse is being done and if they want to, they can take care of the adoption part. The main concern is to save the babies lives first..
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Commemorative Days

Commemorative. Such a long word. (smile).
I was going through the newspapers and saw that there was a proposal to have a 'World Bacteria Day' to remind the public about life's unicellular origins.
Well, I am not going to write about the 'World Bacteria Day' but about Commemorative Days instead(hmm..nice word). There seems to be more and more 'special' days to remember than there are days in a year. What you have on your calender is only a few, selected for your own country but worldwide..just go to google and do a search..there seems to be more than you can count.
Let's see..yesterday (4th February) was the World Cancer Day. Upcoming, we have Valentine's Day on 14th February. Talking about love, there are also a Contraceptive Week (13 to 19 February) to remind youngsters not to go overboard during Valentine's Day, cat thinks so. There's also a Condom Week (8-13 May): must be because of the coming Spring time (laughing), Dating Day (Sept 24), Let's Talk About Sex Week (23-29 May) and a day called Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual and Transgenders Come Out from The Closet Day (Oct 11 & 12) and Orgasm Day (July 31).
On a more serious note, there's a World Hepatitis Day (May 19), Breast Cancer Awareness Day (Oct 13), World Diabetes Day (Nov 14), Autism Awareness Day (Apr 17), Brain Tumor Day (June 8) and lots more.
These days are made to remember and create an awareness to a cause. But there are just too many to remember. There are days for fathers, mothers, children, animals, pets and cats. Days to remember what we do not want to forget (war, 9/11) and people also that we would want to remember (MJ, Elvis, Diana). So, boss, please do forgive cat if an event slips out of the mind..and Cat has forgotten to google and update her calender yesterday (grins). At times, I do have dates in mind, but can't recall if today is Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.
Why don't we just create another day on top of all those days, boss? (smile). We may start a new 'Commemorative Day' and set the trend worldwide. Problem solved. If not, I need a reminder to remind me to remind boss what special occasion falls on this date today. At least, be thankful, boss, that we all remember your birthday (even though we do wish we would forget to remember that).
P/S: Smile Day is on Oct 3rd and April Fool is of course on April 1st.
Have a happy day, regardless of what commemorative day it is today.
Monday, 1 February 2010
Art vs Art

I was invited to see an art show. :) Sounds nice, doesn't it?
Well.. the problem is: It's modern art. And I am certainly not a fan of modern art, unless I can see what the shape is. Or the description should match what I imagine the painting or sculpture is about.
Or the colors must be something that captures my mind. (looking at the above art, it looks like it has been done by a child. Sorry, Mr Artist.. I am just a simple person who is unable to appreciate your work).
This statue is much easier: a mother and a child..The shape is there.
A flower crushed and glued to another flower? Mmm..nice color.
A kid, a dog and the kid is picking up some flowers/stars? Mmm..ok..
A set of masks!! (smile)
It would be a waste of time to ask me to go to a modern art gallery. I wouldn't understand the pictures. It's like looking at clouds and trying to guess what the shape looks like. Unless it's a photo gallery, then I would love to see it.
A photo speaks a thousand words. :)
A rose by any other name would still smell like a rose.. (ouch..Shakespeare would be mad to hear his quote being rephrased).
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