In this age, nothing is impossible! Every event, every moment in life can be commercialized! You just need to be creative and innovative. Starts the trend, registered the idea/trademark, market it..and there you go: a new fad is started.
What am I talking about? Well, there's birthday parties, graduate parties, wedding parties and the latest one: divorce parties. In the west, they say that divorce is now so common that a new industry has emerged to help celebrate 'the break-ups'. There are services online to help put together the 'new you', complete with 'Just Divorce Badges', Invitation cards to a 'Divorce Party' and T-shirts with 'Free Like A Bird' logo on it.
The Divorce Parties were thought up as to 'help' people to the other side of divorce: to put all the bitterness, shock, anger and venom to one side and get on with your life. It's also about making divorce less fraught.
There is even a site called weddingringcoffin.comwhere you can even buy a miniature casket with a little brass RIP on the side so that 'you can bury the past and move on to a new tomorrow'.
There's even Debenhams, a big retailer, that has launched its divorce 'gift list' last January. And there has been a number of people interested especially in requesting big ticket items such as furniture and TV sets. The company's spokesman said that ' It's getting popular because it's something practical you can do for someone you care about who is going through a tough time'.
And to finish, there are already cake shop selling special divorce cakes that includes a couple pointing shotguns at each other, a bride stabbing the groom in the back and a bride shoving the groom off the top. (smile)..There's even a job called 'divorce photographer' where the photographer takes photos of couples with their new families. It's about saying enough, letting the hair down, enjoying oneself and starting a new chapter. Hmm..hmm.. hmm..
Isn't life funny? No, it's rather..isn't people funny? Next, we will be having a commemorative day called 'Divorce Day'.