A lover gives hope when life is low
A lover is a place when you have nowhere to go
To love and be loved unconditionally..
Life as it is..Sometimes it rains and sometimes the sun shines brighter than ever...
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
To Love
Saturday, 3 April 2010
Never in Life
In life,
Some people live a long life
Some people die young
Some will give up
Some will keep on trying
Some will say hi
Some only say goodbye
Some will forget you
Never will I..
Thursday, 1 April 2010
April Fool

Have you ever had a day that you just wished that you have not woke up. Well, today is just that day for me. Waking up with a jolt as if you have just dropped from a great height, the eyes wide open and the heart beating like crazy. For a second, you just don't know where you are.
Opening one eye..then another. That bunch of flowers looks familiar. Oh, I am in the bedroom. Hmm.. what is that ray of light doing there, on the flowers? Ray of light? Light? God! It's daytime already! Rushing to the office, cat had a nagging feeling that I have forgotten something...something about today.
What day is it? Looking at the calender..Hmm, it's Thursday, 1st April 2010. End of the month already. Time to start the end of the month reports and collect a 50% deposit for a company's function is May.. That seems all for today. Alas, there's a circle on that date and the word 'Alert'..what is that for? Hmm.. that nagging feeling of something is bound to happen still persists. And as the day moved along, cat then knew. This is the day that I dreaded: April Fool!
April Fool is a day celebrated in various countries by the using of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, family members, enemies, and neighbors, or sending them on a fool's errand, the aim of which is to embarrass the unsuspected (and one of it is me! Imagine getting tricked 4 times today! :p Ouch..sometimes a I am just too trusting).
But it seems that I am not the only April Fool'ed' victim. Below is a list of all the pranks imaginable:
a)U2 Live on Rooftop in Cork:
In 2009 hundreds of U2 fans were duped in an elaborate prank when they rushed to a shopping center in Blackpool in Cork believing that the band were playing a surprise rooftop concert. The prank was organized by Cork radio station RedFM. The band were in fact just a tribute band called U2opia.
b) Cellphone Ban :
In New Zealand, radio station 'Edge's Morning Madhouse' enlisted the help of the Prime Minister on April 1st to inform the entire country that cellphones are to be banned in New Zealand. Hundreds of callers rang in to complain on the new law.
c) Google Copernicus Center
Fictitious job opportunities were announced for a research center on the moon. Luna/X (a pun to Linux)a new operating system they claimed to have created for working at the research center.
d)UFO with an alien landed on March 31, 1989 in London
Local residents were terrified. A brave officer who approach it also ran away when he saw a small, silver-suited figure emerging from the door of the object that popped open suddenly. The alien turned out to be Richard Branson, the 36-year-old chairman of Virgin Records and his craft was specially designed hot-air-balloon that was destined to land in London's Hyde Park on April 1. However, due to a change in wind direction, he was forced to land in the field a day before.
e) On 1st of April, 1998, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Students hacked MIT's homepage and placed an announcement on it that the prestigious university was being sold to Walt Disney for $6.9 billion. The University would be dismantled and reconstructed in Orlando with an addition of special Disney schools in the campus such as the School of Imagineering, the Scrooge McDuck School of Management, and the Donald Duck Department of Linguistics. There was a photograph too in which the university's famous dome had been fitted with a pair of mouse ears.
f) A year after Ochoco creek was flooded and hundreds of houses were damaged in 1998, DJs at Oregon radio station KSJJ announced that the Ochoco dam had burst and there were strong chances of all the nearby areas being flooded. There was widespread panic and as people prepared to flee. DJs admitted it was just a joke. But no one was amused by the prank.
Well, somehow you just managed to get through the day :).
Like what a friend of mine with the same predicament said: It's not as if you have a choice. Maybe this will get better, maybe they will not. Sometimes things also happen that make you feel ridiculously happy to be alive. This is the stuff you live for. That's the thing about being a human being: You just have to go on living :)
The first of April, some do say, Is set apart for All Fool's Day; But why the people call it so; Nor I, nor they themselves, do know, But on this day are people sent; On purpose for pure merriment. - Anonymous-
Happy April Fool Day
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