Why is it that when you say you don't want to think of something, the opposite happens? The more you you try to push the thought out of your head, the more you keep thinking of it? And the hard part is that : when you want to remember something, it just keep slipping out of your mind?
Why is it so hard to remember how to smile when you are hurting inside? Alas, easy for the tears to come out when you are trying your best to force it not to do just that..
Why is it that the mind keep remembering someone when you know that it's wrong?
Why is there no one to help you, when you needed help the most?
Why, why and why.. Why are there questions but no one to answer them?
Because..this is the way the story goes..
Because..life will not ever let you go the easy way.
Let's think of something else altogether. Think of..mmm...what was the question again?
Sigh..Some may say that I am odd..but it's when you really feel the most like crying, that moment would be the time that you try to make light of everything. You make jokes and laugh out loud..hoping that the tears won't fall and people won't notice how unhappy you are.
Making fun of the issue... so that no one see how much it's hurting inside.
It's hard to think positively when all around you are closed door.