Every one of us has been given the freedom to choose. Whatever happens to is a result of our own choice or responsibility.
Everything that happens has a relationship with whatever we have done before this. Some called it Chain Reaction or even Cosmic Reaction. Some believe it to be 'karma': Good deeds will be repaid with good gains and bad deeds will bring you bad results. That is why we can never blame someone else or God for whatever befalls us.
Some people do negative things, while hoping that good things will come to them. For example, 'A' is a lazy worker, but he hopes to be given a big bonus and a promotion. 'B' doesn't pay his monthly car payment, spend the money on entertainment, and nevertheless he hopes that the bank will not seized it. When the bad results do happen, 'A' blamed the boss as being unfair and 'B' blamed the bank as being heartless!
It's actually the same as what cat has learn with LOA. The way we look at the world depends on the way we think and what we believe. These ideas or beliefs acts as a screen and will show you what you want to see. Two persons might be in love and when things turn out badly and everything falls apart, one of them might came out of it positively and think that he will find the right person someday, while the other might end up with hating the whole world. The choice is yours.
A thing to remember is that memories and the mind can sometimes play a trick on us. The brain makes a conclusion based on what we belief. All info that enters the mind can be erased, turn around, and changed according on how we want it to look like.
Choose how you want things to be. You can smile and changed a bad day into a good one. You can laughed at something silly that you did and you enjoy the weather (no matter if it's sunny or rainy). You can also be thankful that you still have a friend to stand by you. Be grateful that you are still living and healthy.
Signing off,
It seems like zillions of years since Cat last wrote.
Writing needs peace of mind and that was what's missing. It has been a never ending roller coaster ride.
Sometimes it's when you try your best not to hurt people by not telling everything or changing a few facts in order to soften the blow, that is when you hurt them most..especially when everything blows out in the open.
Sometimes you do what you think is best for everyone..actually it's more like doing things at the spur of the moment..following the emotion. Well, who actually can say what IS good for everyone? 100 people has 100 different ideas on what is good for them. Thus, there's no satisfying everyone..you die first or you turn mad before you can achieve this gigantic task.
Cat decided to take a long leave from writing. Taking the time to think and do some self finding. Doing some housekeeping in her mind and heart too. Sifting finely on what as well as the who is important in her life. Cat cannot erased the past, but Cat is doing her best to change for the better. This is a promise.