Friday, 8 March 2013

Games Of The Past

Do you remember the games that you used to play when you were kids? Thank God that it was not 'that' long ago for me. Let's take a slow walk down the memory lane tonight.. and play A-E-I-O-U.

If you mention 'Tag' today, kids would probably associate it with 'FB', Blogs and awards.. a back link to a friend's site. In the old days, it was much more of an outdoor activity where it involves your legs (running skills).

All over the world, kids have been playing this game.. only that it's called by other names. In other countries, some called it as 'Chasing Game', 'It', 'Tick', Tig and lots more.

Here in Malaysia, we have a version of the tag which is called 'A.E.I.O.U'. It's more of a mixture between 'tag' and 'musical chair'.

How do you play the game? Firstly, you need to choose an 'IT' (the person who's going to say those words aloud).

The 'IT' will stand alone with his back against the others. Everyone else will stand in a row facing 'IT'

When everyone is ready, the 'IT' will shout out 'A..E..I..O..U' (faster or slower is up to the 'IT') and and turns around to look at the group behind him.

As the 'IT' says A-E-I-O-U..the group of children walk towards the 'IT'. Everyone freezes when the 'IT' turns around to look at them after shouting out A-E-I-O-U. You cannot make any moves at all as the 'IT' goes around checking and teasing people in the hope of making one of you giggle or move.

Those caught with any movement, will be eliminated. The game then continues with the 'IT' going back to the base, and start saying A-E-I-O-U again. This continues until the remaining players get closer and closer to the base.

At the end, one of the player (let's call him 'Runner') will touch the 'IT' and runs back to the starting line. The 'IT' will chase after the Runner. If the 'IT' catches the Runner, the Runner will then have to be the next 'IT'. However, the Runner is considered a winner if he crosses the starting line and the 'IT' fails to catch him.