Friday 10 December 2010

Winter's Love

A friend was telling cat about a wedding that she attended last month. What bugs her is that the wedding couple were grandparents. The groom, at 60 years old, has been single for 8 years, after his wife passed away. The bride, at 55 years old, has been alone for 10 years.

The friend was mumbling about how inappropriate it all seems : old people thinking about sex and marriage whereas the 'grave' has already their name in the calling list.

Whoa there! Getting married is not just about 'sex'. It's also as simple as a story about two people who decided that they want to spend the rest of their lives together. (If it's only because of sex, the guy would surely choose a 'SYT' instead).

The friend was aghast :'But why? They can't be lonely! The groom has 4 grown up children and 14 grandchildren. And she has 3 children of her own with God knows how many grandchildren!

Is it so weird? These things happened you know. We are not talking about numbers or scientific things here. We are talking about an abstract thing called 'feelings'. Although you have millions of friends, relatives or off springs, you can still feel that something is obviously missing in your life. Yes, you can still be lonely while surrounded by a whole bunch of people.

It's not impossible that at the winter of their lives, somehow love has found a way into their hearts. Call it destiny, call it coincidence, call it serendipity or you can call it by any other name..apparently, one is never too old to fall in love. Despite all the heartaches involved in matters of the heart and in marriages, there might still be some with happy endings.

As French actress and singer Jeanne Moreau had once said :
"Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent protects you from age"


  1. Sweet tebdr hearted Cat, its so good to read you again.

    I laughed when i read that the bride was 55 and "old" I am forty five. Thats so cute.

    I have three children, I have many friends, they are wonderful. I am Mamma, Aunt, Sister and friend...I want to be "Chrissy" to just one person. I want to be all of me to one person. Even if its only for another 30 years :)

    My boyfriend is 28--your girl friend would faint :D

  2. Dear Chrissy,
    Oppss..(red in the face) maybe I should have used the word 'matured' instead. :) I might say that some people have certain 'fixed' ideas about things. And it just bugged them when someone does not follow the norm. They forget that everyone, regardless of his/her age, is still an individual with his/her own dreams, ideas and desires.
    Ditto, there's no age limit for being in love. :)
    And alas..they say that Cat is a hopeless romantic.. :)
