Sunday 30 October 2011

Lost In Melaka

Typically one of those days that Cat would have love to fast forward. :) Right.. dream on, Cat. It started badly with the alarm clock not functioning (or it did function but Cat was deeply engrossed in dream land.. grin). Rushing does not help at all but put you in a stress.

Luckily Cat can now drive a car. Speeding along the big road and leaning on the speed pedal, Cat took the right lane (for those who wants to overtake or for speeding. Just when Cat thought that her luck has changed (as all the traffic lights were green colored) Cat saw 3 policemen standing and guiding the traffic. Oppss.. Cat is in the wrong lane. Cat needs to choose the middle one if Cat wants to go straight. The right lane is to move to the right.

** Just for info, this Cat was born without any GPS or any sense of direction built into her mind. It took Cat 2 weeks to memorize the way to the workplace. She remember places and events very well but if anyone asks her to bring them from point A or point B, she would just show a blank face. Complicated short cuts and lots of turns would give her a migraine :p hehehe

So, here was Cat getting panic as the policeman was telling her that there was an accident up ahead and everyone has to make a detour to the right. Err..where does the right road leads to? No signboards and no where to make a U-turn. Now what did the driving instructor told Cat the last time 'If in doubt, follow the crowd'.

Ok.. let's just follow the blue car in front. Seems to be going the same way as Cat. Cat's brain agreed on that too. It's 8.05 am.. surely the majority of the cars were going to go to work. Off we go!

Then Kat saw a signboard with arrows which says 'Turn left to downtown' or 'Go straight' if you want to go to the beach. Guess which one did Cat choose? Grin..
To the beach? Buzz..nope..wrong guess. To work then? Buzz..wrong again. Cat took the road to nowhere. :D No one told Cat that signboards are put there to alert you that 'whatever was written on it is 500 meters ahead!

Kat saw the car in blue took the path to the left turn to town and happily followed it. Oo..the path keeps getting smaller. Kat started frowning. Where's the shop houses? There's nothing but the rice field on the right and a big stream on the left. There wasn't even enough space to U turn. Hmm... maybe this is a shortcut.

Suddenly the blue car turn on his signal and turn right. At last, a light at the end of the tunnel? No such luck.. the blue car turns and parked right in front of his house! And Kat followed him straight back to his home. Talk about being red in the face! Luckily the guy was kind enough to show Cat the way out of the padi fields..miles and miles of nowhere. A Malaccan girl getting lost in her own hometown.

Oh my.. Kat would never hear the end of this if boss gets a hint of this story. :p

Hmm.. A GPS, A GPS.. my kingdom for a GPS. :p hehehe.. luckily Kat still has her sense of humor and can laugh at herself for being silly. Well dear, no one is perfect. The same case applies to a Kat :)

At The Starting Line

Kat was watching the video clip "Quotations from Secrets: Law of Attraction" this morning. One of the clips was 'Set a goal on something big, that when it happens, it will blow away your mind. You become and attract what you think".

What can be so big that it can blow away my mind? Hmm..aha!: Learning to Drive. I know that it's not such a big thing for some..but it is a big step for me. I have this HUGE phobia of driving: each time I start the engine, my hands become cold as ice. The mind goes completely blank when I hear the sound of another car 'honking' at me. Imagine..Just thinking about it, makes the stomach ache and I feel like vomiting.

Okayyy.. Today, I promise myself to give it another try. I have registered at a driving school nearby..(you should see how the hands are shaking (grin)). There's no turning back. It's done. Just to look at the schedule and arrange a time for it.
God! am I really doing this..

Taking a deep breath..
I can do it? I can do it.. I Can do it!
Focusing hard on the end result..
Today registering, Tomorrow, starting the engine again.
Steady Kat.. God bless the me and all the other drivers.


Today, cat went to the theory Driving Class.
First, the registration part. We were asked to lined up and filled up our name, address, identity card number. This is at 8:15am. After scribbling all the details, cat was given a file and a piece of;s the colour blind test. In the file, there's 25 photos, you know, with colourful dots against more colourful background.

At first, it was, 5, number 6, number 3, number 1. Then odd shapes looks like number 4 but put in a reverse form. Is cat eyesight's really that bad? Then, cat heard a whisper near to cat's ear : "it's a boat. You need to draw a boat in your answer sheet". Was it a voice from heaven? No. It was one of the instructor hinting the answer to cat. "Quick. Draw a sailboat" he whispered again.

"We are supposed to draw too?" Cat looked up at him with astonished eyes. "Don't look at me." he hissed, "Just draw a sailboat".

Ok, you are the boss. So, cat just draw a simple sailboat. Then, odd shapes came into the picture. You are supposed to draw circles and squares and ovals.. isn't it easier if they just gave us an objective paper with the shapes printed on it and we just have to circle the answer only? And aren't instructors not supposed to give answer to us? Hmm.. Cat stop thinking. Use your eyes to see, and your fingers to draw. Not bad for a person who has stop drawing after leaving school. :) At least my square looks like a square.

to be continued....


2 Jan 2011:

“ I am not a philosopher who is trying to make a system of thought. I am a mystic who is trying to convey the mysteries that have become available to me. I will confuse you. ”

I am stuck in the traffic jam! 20 minutes and nothing is moving.
Isn't it infuriating when there's no option but to wait in your car, while the clock is ticking away, happily reminding you that that you are going to be late?

It's not the construction workers' fault. Roads have to be enlarged, holes must be filled up and newly tarred road would benefit all of us. But can't the higher authority informed us earlier of their schedule? All the road construction works must have been planned much earlier (of course, you do not decide at the last minute that 'Let's just go and annoy that girl. Let's do a construction work right in the middle of Cheng area!' At least, do provide us with an alternative road, Mr In Charge.

Reached the office at 8.45am.. and I am still the first one to arrive. :p Unbelievable.

Waxed Tyres

The hardest thing in life would be trying to understand people's motives.
The 2nd hardest thing for Cat would be trying to understand her car.

Or maybe.. it's not a question of understanding. Cat guesses it's more to 'pride'. And as the proverb says: 'Pride goes before a fall'.

Boss and the guys at the office were always making remarks such as 'women only know how to drive but do not know how to take care of their cars'. Lack of something better to do, and taking it as a challenge, Cat decided to give it a try. Well, Cat was thinking hard is it to take care of a small car?

Actually, Cat soon finds out that it's not that easy. Wanting to do and experience everything on her own, Cat kept doing silly mistakes. Enough to be in the same group as Mr Bean. Sigh.. at least Cat will remember what to do and what's not to do for the rest of her life. :)

Looking at a colleague's car, Cat was impress and envious with the sparkling tires and rims. After a half an hour of listening to the friend's instruction, off goes Cat happily to do her mission.

First step, getting the wax. That was the easiest part. There was a lot to choose from at the supermarket and all sorts of types: spray and wax. The spray looked a bit too liquid (:p Cat is looking at the substance and not at the ingredient). Not convinced that the spray will do the trick. Instead Cat chose a wax type of tire shine polish.

The instructions seems simple: Put a small amount of wax on a piece of cloth and wipe at the surface of the tire. Ok, here goes. After 2 hours of waxing, Cat was feeling pleased with the result. For 2 days the weather was sunny and Cat was happy with the tires. Cat has certainly forgotten the old idiom: 'Pride comes before A Fall'.

Today, it rains heavily. As you know, Cat loves to drive fast. At the 1st corner going out to the big road, Cat makes a fast turn as usual but the car skidded into the other lane a bit. Weird, as this was the first time it happens. Cat must have not been paying attention.

Then at the 1st traffic light, when Cat push at the brakes, the car did not stop completely. It went a bit more forward. That certainly make Cat's eyes grew bigger. Has Cat imagined what just happened. Cat decided to test the brakes again at the 2nd traffic light. Going fast and then brake. The same thing happened: the car went about 30 cm ahead before stopping.

Then Cat remembered. It must be the wax on the tires!
A call soon confirmed what Cat suspected. But, it was not entirely Cat's fault, isn't it?
'Surface', for Cat would mean : the outer face, outside, or exterior boundary of a thing.
The instruction on the box did say: to wax the surface of the tires. How would Cat know that it means only the part of the tire that can be seen. Cat has waxed the whole exterior of the 4 tires!

Nothing much to do now..except drive slowly and wait till the wax wears off (in a few days hopefully). Maybe Cat is just not made to understand instructions. :) Sigh..

Beetle Mania

I was going through a friend's blog and suddenly I saw this photo that made me grin

It brought back a childhood memory. Dad used to be an ardent fan of the beetle car.

He changed his car 3 times when I was little and each time he still chose a Volswagen! Only the color changed. Others may love to change curtains in their house or change the sofa when the Raya festival arrived. Dad didn't care much about 'trivial' things.

Raya festival would meant that the VW gets a new coat of paint. From white to red and to orange. Don't play play :). A speck of dirt means washing the car again from top to bottom. I remember one thing especially about the car : all VW has the engine at the back instead of in front.

The VW beetle was first introduced in 1938 and the last of this model was fabricated in 2003. After 2003, there's no more 'beetles' mostly because there were so much competition from Japanese car manufactures which came out with cheaper types equipped with the latest technology in the automobile market. The VW were hit rather hard as next came the Americans into the car business in the 1970s. In an effort to attract a high-tech and more demanding clientele, VW next came out with the "Rabbit". So cute but also so expensive:

Now, it's hard to see the older 'beetle' except when there's a VW road tour/competition or the VW Malaysian Club decided to do a fan's club gathering. Sure miss the old days :) and..sure miss Dad a lot.

The VW Story

It's the return of the Bug/Beetle mania!
Yes, this is about the Volkswagon or VW Summit that was held in Subang Jaya recently. The 'Bug O Rama Summit was jointly organised by The Summit Subang USJ and Kelab Volkswagen Beetle Malaysia (KVBM). Lots of Volkswagen enthusiasts from various club all over the states and also from Thailand as well as Singapore attended the said event on Sunday, 25th July 2010.

We were certain that there were more than 300 Volkswagen (including vans), each uniquely added with various accessories as well as colorfully painted designs. Some even modified their VW's engines, decorated the interiors and put their own personal touches. But my preference falls on those beetles with solid and not so bright color (florescence & pink... ewww... just so not good for the eyes).

Below are some of the beetles that managed to attract attention:

This one is the bug van :) ... owned by a Thailand participant. The van looks small from the outside but was surprisingly very large inside. A bit like those vans during the 'flower power' era or the one in 'Scooby Doo' cartoon. It can hold a minibar, cabinets and a bed in it! Very convenient!

This one reminds me of 'Herbie' :)

Looks like a flying beetle:) An unusual sight for a beetle to have doors that open upwards. Still, it looks cute.

See the hub cab in the photo? They say that the rounder and fuller the hub cap is, older the model of the beetle. The older it gets, the more expensive it will be.

A VW with a moving fan inside. :) Just how many of these can you see nowadays? :)

The star ornament functions not only as a deco but it serves also as an emergency light. They told me that the star has to be imported from Germany as you can't get it from any accessory shop here, in Malaysia.

Last and not least.. my favorite choice of VY. Well, if you can't afford to buy a real beetle, a mini VW would serve the same purpose! Just fit in nicely beside the teddy bear on my work table.

You can view more bugs and beetles at

Signing off,
Hana with her small mini bug :)

P/S : Do you know that a VW does not use water any water in it's engine compartment? The engine actually has a kind of fan that keeps it from overheating. Am learning a lot :)

The Bugs Are Back

What a way to start the new year. :)
Sneezing, coughing and fever. Yet, a promise is a promise. The handphone was full with missed calls and messages from Jaja reminding Cat to meet her at 8am for breakfast and then on to the Bug Fest. Come on, Cat. 2 of those Hurix's pills and a big spoonful of the yucky and sticky cough syrup and you'll be ok.

We were at the Bug Fest in Dataran Ayer Keroh at 9.30am. The hot sun might have been one of the factor that there were only few vw beetles at that time. Around 20 vw vehicles only, a small number compare to the number of policemen on standby. (Might be because of the New Year's countdown the night before, people are not awake yet).

The hot sun did nothing to relieve Cat's burning head, but it was certainly worth it. The VW on exhibition were impeccably polished and a delight to look at.

The beetle is actually holding the record for the longest single car production run with more than 21 million units being fabricated since it's creation in 1938. The red car on top is a 1963 VW Beetle Ragtop. The rooftop is made of leather than can last for years. However, the sport rims on the wheels are from a different year as those from 1963 has rounded hubcaps. Still, it's a beauty.

Friday 28 October 2011

Dinner Plates

A friend was telling of a visit to her relatives house just the other day. A thing that captured her eyes were the collection of pfaltzgraff dinnerware that were arranged nicely on the shelves in the living room.

Among them was a white dinner plate with pastel blue flowers decorated around the rim. It was exactly the double of the dinner plate that she saw when she was surfing Yahoo Food site in search of dinnerwareset. It was more exquisite to look at than the phto that she saw in the internet. She was quite happy to know that her choice of gift for Sarah's coming wedding was correct.

As per the friend, whether you're cooking dinner for family, or a gourmet meal for guests, the dinner plate is an essential part of the dinnerware collection. The important thing is to choose a dinnerware collection that is unique so that it can catch people eyes when they look at it.
I was a bit perplexed. Dinnerware are dinnerware, isn't it? You would have your food put on it and what was the fuss in finding the perfect dinnerware? Guests would appreciate the design but they would concentrate more on the food. Why spend a fortune in dinnerware or dinner plate?

Then the friend started laughing. 'Look, dinnerware in Malaysia is like awards or rare coin collections. They are for exhibition. Folks don't use them for normal everyday meals. For that, they can just use normal plates.'

'Ohh. There are normal plates and abnormal plates, then..'
'Of course. :) Where have you been all this while?

Costume Jewellery

Real gold might be priceless, but costume jewelery has much more appeal to the eyes and imagination.

Amanyx's blog just captured the attention and just like to share with you on one of the posting titled 'Coke Bottle Cap Jewelery'.

Thanks again for sharing, Amanyx.

This is my favorite photo. Look at how the Coca Cola caps were made into shell like shapes and painted in gold. Creative :)

Hmm.. just think of all the attention you'll get when people see you wearing them.. priceless.. :)

Saturday 22 October 2011

Sky Above..

Sometimes you feel like being on top of the world. Nothing can stop or hold you back. Running with hair blowing in the wind and leaves kissing the face. Smiling, laughing.

At other times, you feel as if you are at the bottom. Things seems rather heavy on the shoulders. Doubts rushing inside the head. Lost amidst the worries. Sad and moody.

Everything, things change. Except for the sky.
Wherever and whenever you feel sad, look up at the sky high above. Whether it's day or night. Clear blue sky or dark night sky, the sky would always look the same anywhere you are.

Standing at the balcony of the 22nd floor.
For someone who's not too brave, there are times when you don't think, you just do it. The view was and has always been spectacular from here. This was also where the guy had jumped off years ago..after having written down a letter to his family overseas. Hmm..wonder what was he thinking? What had pushed him to resort to that last option..? It takes either courage... or despair to do that.. Taking a deep breath..and slowly letting it out again.. looking up at the blue sky...

Thursday 20 October 2011

Salute To Every Malaysian


A Salute to Every Malaysian

For the ones who mix their coffee with tea..
Who look for Nasi Lemak when they are overseas..
And the ones who finish their meals with an ABC..

For those who speak more than 2 languages
Who ride with their jackets on backwards
And the ones who cannot wake up
Without a Super 'Kau' kopi-o first..

For the ones who call everyone 'bro'
Who 'Lat-Tali-Lat to decide who gets to go
And the ones who bargain hunting
Best Price finding pros...

For the ones that stay up late for matches
Who island hop on our beautiful beaches
And the ones who would never
Ever trade durians for peaches..

For the ones who gave their lives for merdeka
Who laid the foundations in the days of Malaya
And the ones who proudly
Call themselves Malaysians

For the ones on the east and west coast
Who call Sabah and Sarawak home
And for every Malaysian
Because you matter most...

Wednesday 19 October 2011


A friend's son just had his birthday the other day. Sitting with the birthday boy and helping him sorting out his presents, we came across a box of woodcraft toys or construction kit. Well, well..that looks interesting.

What? Oh, let's back track a bit. I am not talking about those complicated, puzzling, time consuming toys that needed you to study the instruction guide in order to build a prism, the leaning tower of Pisa or the Petronas Twin Tower. Nor am I saying anything about using a saw, clamps, scrapers, chisels, nails or things that needed to be sanded. :) A history of getting cuts here & there and hitting the nail on the thumb has made me stay away from those dangerous tools :p

These are just normal safe woodcraft puzzles to help keep your mind and hands nimble. This one was an owl woodcraft. The assembling instructions were minimal but how hard can it be, right? After all, it is recommended for 7 years +:)

Seeing the look in my eyes, Adrian (the friend's son) was amused. He told me to keep it as it was child's play to him. Smiling sheepishly, I started to pressed out the pre-cut ply wood pieces. This is fun.. no tools or glue needed. It says to just look at the photo and match the numbers according to the sequences.

Hmm.. 1 hour has gone by, and the dragon does not seem to get on well. I have done the body but the head just seems odd. 2 hours now..and it's becoming more challenging. Hmm..I was puzzled..why doesn't the right leg looks the same as in the pix. With one tongue now out and the blouse sleeves pulled right up, I am having another go at it.

4 hours and this is becoming a nightmare. Why can't the dragon stand up? I have put all the tiny fiddly little pieces together and there are some which keep falling out again! How frustrating it is when you have to deconstructed half of the dragon in order to take out a piece that was wrongly fitted in.

5 hours now and 5 pieces which do not fit anywhere. Pushing the puzzle aside, I took a pillow and lay flat on the carpet. 'Suzy! I give up. There's no way on earth that anyone can finish that sxxxxd dragon.'

Adrian's Dad, Lionel, came and look at the balance of the pieces. Smiling, he pulled out a bit here, a bit there, push this in and change a bit there. 'Voila! C'est fini.' Yucks..he managed to do the dragon in just 10 minutes!

They were all laughing at me! ooo.. I just do not want to hear the word 'woodcraft' anymore. Walking dazedly to the car (with the dragon in a plastic bag..a souvenir from the Lawrence family) I just could not wait to reach home :p

Sunday 16 October 2011

Life Lessons 1

They say that it's difficult to understand women. :P But it does seems as if someone has taken the time to study us.. and came out with this guidelines of how to read between the lines.
Cat would say that it's a good one. :p Enjoy the reading :


a) Fine.
This is the word women use to end an argument..when they think they are right and you need to shut up. Hint : Please do shut up.

b) Five Minutes.
Never, never believe this. If a woman is getting dressed, this means a half an hour.
Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five minutes to watch the games before she needs you to help her do something. There's no such this as synchronising the watches.

c) Nothing.
This is the calm before the storm. This means SOMETHING is about to happen and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with 'nothing' usually ends in 'fine'.

d)Go ahead.
This is a dare, not permission. Whatever you want to do, just Don't do it.

e) Loud sigh.
This is actually a word, but it is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men.
A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her times standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing)

f) That's okay.
This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

g) Thanks.
A woman is thanking you, please do not question, or faint.
Just say 'you are welcome'.
( I want to add in clause here - This is true unless she says 'Thanks a lot' - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say 'you are welcome' - that will bring on 'whatever')

h) Whatever.
This is a woman's way of saying 'F--- YOU'

i) Don't worry about it/ I got it.
Another dangerous statement, happens when a woman has told a man to do something for several times, but is now doing it herself. Sarcasm.
This will later result in a man asking 'what's wrong?' And for the woman's response, please refer to #3

Whatever-lah :p

Saturday 15 October 2011


In love and life, there are always instances where you get stumped. No idea at all what you have done wrong to upset him/her. One minute both of you were joking,laughing, and suddenly everything just...went topsy turvy. What had just happened?

Cracking the head. To not not really know what has triggered the change. To have absolutely no idea. But deep in your heart, something tells you that it has to do with you. How your head feels like exploding. You even feel like sitting down and cry..

You thought that if only you had some kind of a clue, some kind of six sense..then perhaps it would not be so painful.

Take a deep breath. The thing is, it's all part of life's lessons.
There's no couple that has not travelled that path. It's part of learning..and knowing whether you got what it takes to make it works.

Furthermore, if you could see and understand all of her/his feelings, you might lose the desire to know more about them.

I wonder what he / she likes?
I wonder what he / she thinks?
Does she like this? Does he hates this?

A period of getting to know each other. And it's because you don't know that you tried so hard to understand. And that's what also makes you think more and more of her. You ask around, you listen when she talks, you share things with each other..seeing eye to eye.

All those things that you do and feel..means that you do care about them.
Take a deep breath.. you'll be ok.

Friday 14 October 2011

Take My Hand

I am not very good at this game called Life,
For I've not learned to see children crying without feeling pain,
For I've not learned to watch animals being destroyed without wondering why.
For I've not yet met a king or celebrity that I would bow down to,
Or a man so insignificant that I would use for a stepping-stone.

For I've not yet learned to be a "yes man"
to narrow minded bosses who quote rules without reason,
and I've not learned to manipulate the feelings of others
to be used for my own advantages,
then cast aside as I see fit.

No, I am not very good at this game called Life..
I have been thinking quite a lot lately. Wondering how different each day can be.
There are days when you just laugh without a single care..and there are days when you just feel like sitting down and cry your eyes out. Silly isn't it..

There are time when things that come out from my mouth only serves to upset people. I do not really understand it. I may know lots of things (you could say that)..but I cannot seem to get it right when it comes to the human heart.

Please let me know..why you were upset earlier. I will try my best to understand.
Rather than being mad at me and saying that it is useless to tell me.. you being fed up with me is more sad.

Even if I am slow to understand, I wish that you would not give up on me.

Sunday 9 October 2011

An Ode to Pain

If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain
If I can ease one life of aching, Or cool one pain
Or help one fainting robin, Unto his nest again
I shall not live in vain
-Emily Dickinson 1830/1886-

If in front of your eyes, you found yourself with a bunch of choices, how do you pick the one choice that does not leave you with any regrets?

Sometimes, you try your best and crack your head thinking about it.
But, even if you think really hard and very carefully and decided on a choice, would there be a moment that you might look back and think that you made the wrong choice..?
If you were the only one affected by the choice, it might be ok. Alas, if it greatly affects others, do you choose?

For me, you will die before you managed to figure out if the choices you made were mistakes or not. Regardless of the choice that they made, there are some who will regret and there are others who do not.

It would be better to make your own choices as it helps too avoid blaming others on how things turn out to be. Good or bad, there is no use to think so much of something that you cannot change. Well, I guess everyone knows this already. :) And here I am trying to summarize the simple lessons of life..

A habit that dies hard..thinking out loud and writing it down..
Well past midnight. Goodnight and..leave the worries of today behind you. Tomorrow is another day.

Saturday 8 October 2011

Without A Reason

For everything, there is a season,
And a time for every matter under heaven:

A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together..
You met a girl and you wanted to go out on a date with her. The person may be incredibly good looking, nice laughter, have an interesting personality.. all that you have ever wanted.
Everything is working out as you wanted but you cannot fight the gut feeling that something is not right. Something is telling you that she is not for you. That you would better turn around and make an exit. Once in a while, you will get that tingling feeling in your bones.

That is what we call 'intuition'. Whether it is about changing jobs, locations or matters of the heart, it works just the same. You know when you know. And you decide whether to follow that intuition or to go against it.

Stuart Mullins who has worked with Corporate,Hospitality and Leisure/Theme Park Industries around the world has a very interesting story on this :

A very talented well respected General Manager from one of the major 5 star brands was approached by the owners to come back to manage a previous 5 star world class property he was GM at .Since he left, it had gone down hill a tad. The owners threw money at him and offered excellent benefits and conditions. They really went out of their way to woo him back.

Many of his colleagues told him it's a great position, wonderful hotel, great location, well respected owners and the money was exceptional, and he should feel honoured to be asked back.

So when I was asked what I thought, I had a query , a simple question ;

"How did you feel when you walked back in the lobby?" His comment was "I feel as if I am going backwards, I've been here before, It's time to move on, move forward".

And he couldn't shake this feeling. No amount of money was going to change this. Did he take the position? No. Were the owners annoyed? Yes, of course they were.

However, he made the right decision based on gut feeling and is doing very well in an Owners Rep/ Asset Management role which he is excelling in.

Nothing is different when looking for a new position or not looking. You will know when it is time to move, and only you, not your partner, not your work colleagues, not the recruiter, just you...

What time is it now? Time to change? Time to stay put? Well, you decide. Don't listen to what others are telling you. After all it's your life, hopes and dreams that is in the the basket of eggs.

May the Force be with you.. :)

Sunday 2 October 2011

Foot prints in the Sand

In the old days, Dad used to take us to the park at 'Tanjung Emas' when he had the time. In those days the park was not yet as beautiful as it is nowadays. The land was still of red earth which turns to red mud when it rains. There were only 2 swings and 2 slides available. We had to step on the red path carefully as not to get the mud on our clothes.

As we walked in a single file, I noticed something. I can see Elder Brother's deep big foot prints. Then followed by 2nd brother's deep foot prints. But when I turns around, I could not see my own footprints!! They teased me until I cried, saying that I was a ghost as spirits do not leave any footprints. Dad then explained that I was still small and too light to leave any prints.

Alas, there's a much simpler answer  to it: I just want to leave my footprints where it will not be washed away by time or waves. Yes, that's the very truth.

Some people might think I may be weird when earlier last year, I started to search a tree to carved my name on it. And then writing my name in wet cement at the side of the house. If I suddenly disappear tomorrow, there will be hopefully traces of me somewhere. I will not be invisible or forgotten as if I never existed. Then, someone told me that trees will be cut and cements can be broken. Oh what?

Words. Words and writing will stay forever as long as there's someone to read them. Words travel through time. Footprints engraved in the mind and hopefully in a few hearts. When I am no longer here, there would still be someone who remembers me... not only as the girl in black, but as a friend also, hopefully..