Wednesday 2 January 2013

Tag : Smells

Dear Diary, 
Quizzes and tags are Cat's favorite to pass the time. Here goes another tag (and which Cat will not tag anyone else.. :) rest assured. Anyone wants to do and post the tag in their blog, are welcome to it. :) There, that settles the issue.)
A list of 10 smells that Cat loves:
1) washed clothes. :) Fresh from the washing machine, there's that smell of soap.
2) chocolate cake baking in the oven.. mmm.. :)
3) famous amos cookies at the Famous Amos stalls. :)
4) milo.. :)
5) the earth after rain
6) apple blossom
7) baby's products: baby powder, baby shampoo, baby bath..and especially if it's strawberry.
8) lily flower
9) dettol.. :)
10) someone
Funny that just the thoughts of all the above brings a smile to the lips. Sentimental? Nah.. just getting older. :)
Goodnight and sweet dreams..