The Bomoh Strikes Again
A 'bomoh' can be liken to either a 'magician' or a 'witch doctor' who claims to be able to correspond with the spirits with either good or bad intention. There are genuine bomohs who really uses their gift in order to help people. But there are also others who seems to follow the footsteps of David Copperfield or David Blaine. But in this case, they only do the tricks with money and jewelery. Abracadabra..and presto..your money is gone and that's all for tonight. :)
The first type of bomoh uses strong psychological method to trick people. What they would do is lie in wait at places where the victims would be at their weakest emotional state: outside hospital, banks, market or bus stop. They would talk their victim into confusion so that the victims will not have time to think. Some even uses drugs to spike the victims' drinks and chloroform to make them faint or drowsy.
It is easy for the second type of con artists to use the pretext of magic charms to cheat people because the Malaysian society still has a strong belief in supernatural things. Their weapon: frighten the victim by reading and tapping into the victim's insecurities. The 'bomoh' will undermine the victim's confidence by predicting tragedies happening to the victim's family members. Then the bomoh will offer a suggestion: they will act as a medium for the victim to offer cash or jewellery offerings to make everything alright again.
The worst case would be those who resort to unscrupulous 'bomoh' trading their body and soul in exchange of getting a love potion or to appear always young and beautiful to the public. There are so many stories and examples of what will happen if you make a deal with Satan..but still there are some who still seek help from these mediums. Just watch the TV every Thursday night.. (Malaysian channel that is..) If all those stories still doesn't have any effect on you.. then I give up.
Amiable fill someone in on and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you on your information.