The Lost Ones

It's the act of taking one's life.
Most of us surely know someone or have read in the papers about people who have thought about, tried to and finally completed the act of cutting short their life. Whatever the reason that pushes someone to step off a roof, pushing down a few dozens of pills, pulling a trigger to their head or simply gave up all the's no funny matter.
You would think that suicide solves all problems.
Whatever the reason, once a suicide is committed, it's those that are left behind that suffers most.
If a loved one dies of an accident, you would probably say that everything is out of your control. Alas, suicide leaves people thinking and trying to make sense of it. The burden and guilt of not seeing it happening, of not paying attention, wondering and wondering if there's anything that could have been done to prevent it. There's no way to comfort themselves.

Alas, as teacher keeps telling Cat: you need to remind yourself that the choice of suicide is certainly not yours. Because, no matter what happens, no one is the sole influence of another person's life. At the end, it is his/her own choice to put an end to life'.
To those that really think that they cannot handle it anymore, that things are too heavy a burden on your tired mind, please believe that there are someone out there who cares about you. You may not think so and it might not be enough to solve the problems..but there is someone who really really care and understands. Before you make that final decision, make that call. Talk to somebody..that person might just be waiting by the phone for your any time.
It might just be a matter of misunderstanding that needed an explanation. It might be a matter of miscommunication. It might really be that some people meant the harsh words that they say to you.. but there is also someone who do care what happens to you and would be really sad if you do decide to take that path.

Do you know..that Life is not and never will be easy. Those who smile might have tears hidden in them. But talking and sharing the burden with a friend helps. Cry if you feel that it helps but do not shy away from an extended hand.
Cat understands how they feel. Cat is also not the bravest person alive but she is also trying her best to understand how things work. Cat is sad and full of anxiety.. But when people keep on and on talking about her mistakes and pitying her, it weakens her more than ever. Stop saying 'Poor Thing' when Cat passes by because..repeating it will make Cat more sad. Instead, lend Cat your hand and teach her how to make it through life's trial..
We should always remember that to themselves,No one is just another person. Touch gently the life Of your fellow man.. For the human heart shapes as easily as clay upon the potters wheel...
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