Busy and keep running here and there to catch up with all the pending work. Taking a short break to sit down a short while and write a note to you. Do hope that you will not feel like she ignoring you.. only that she's having her hand full of things at the moment.
There are some changes going on here. Everyone can feel it but we just could not quite grasp what it is. Everyone seems to be in a hurry to spend their money on holidays and things. July which is supposed to be a low season for us , hoteliers, suddenly become so busy. There's no Public Holidays or events planned for the month but the small hotels in Melaka are enjoying an occupancy averaging 60% on weekday and 100% on weekends. As for us, the big players, weekdays where we used to get only 35% occupancy previous year, we are getting 55-60% weekdays and also 100% on weekends.
I am not complaining , as more business means achieving more than the targeted budget. But still, weird changes without any logical explanation just bugs her. She hates it when she cannot explain things. :)
It could not be the coming fasting month. The pattern has always been the same: The month preceding the fasting month has always been a slow month. Is it because of the news that the price for food items and petrol will be hike up soon is making people making last minute travelling arrangements? But the prices increase effects only Malaysia. So... how do you explain the incoming travelers from Singapore? No Mega Sales at this time also.
Hmm.. just have to dig deeper and who knows what will turn up later on. Waiting patiently. Staying on alert mode.
Even in hotel line , things are starting to move again. Nowadays, people do not really look for employees with experience any more. The targeted future employees would be those fresh from Hotel school and university graduates. The reasons: These young people are young and still can adapt to changes more quickly. They accept a much lower salary (would not say how much lower) and are motivated, eager to learn.
And.. of course...the age factor.. :) who would not like to be greeted by fresh and sweet looking young things at the registration counter. It's not easy for the undergraduates and also not easy for the over qualified staff to get jobs nowadays... unless you are willing to make a go for the higher post (to gain the experience) and willing to close one eye on the salary factor. The only way is always be on your toes.. learn new things that are happening in the market/industry and keep your list of contacts updated. Be alert k.. and do tell cat on how you are doing too.

'We all need mirrors to remind ourselves who we are." said Leonard Shelby - Memento-
What do you see when you look in a mirror?
Do you see yourself as how others perceive of you? Or do you see all the things that you detested in your looks?
In life, the more a person is attractive, the more people will think he/she is good, intelligent and popular. That's reality. Women especially are more critical when it comes to the question of looks. Men look in a mirror and judged themselves better looking than they actually are. Women look in a mirror and saw..well, all sorts of things that they would like to change. Less of vanity and more because of insecurities. (That should be one of the reasons why 'bomohs' and surgeons are still much in demand).
What do I see in my mirror? A small person. with a puzzled look on her face.. Wonder what's she's thinking?

There are certainly times when a fight cannot be avoided.
Whether hearing someone fighting or looking or getting involved in one, it's certainly not my cup of tea. Especially when lots of shouting and screaming around.
A fight is certainly like a fire. The more emotional you get, the more it becomes out of control. The more you forget about the main reason you fight. The mind is now only concentrating on winning. The voice starts to get shrill, louder and louder to drown the other side's voice. You forgot that the more both of you shout, none of you is actually listening to what the other side is saying. Love and friendship goes flying out of the window. In a shouting match like that, you might say hurtful words that you would have not meant. Words has a way of entering people's heart and staying there forever. It cannot be erased.
I would rather choose the silent treatment. It's not to punish the other person. It's rather to give me some time to think back about the issue that we are fighting about. I need to think clearly, and I cannot hear myself thinking if there's shouting around. When I have thought things out and have calm down, then I will sit down and talk It all depends also on what the topic is about.
Sometimes, it just doesn't serve any purpose to fight..and there are times when you do need to fight back.. The method is of your own choice..

Do feel good when somebody misses you.
Feels great when somebody loves you
Feel on top of the world when somebody never forgets you.
Dear Memoir,
Hmm.. just remembered that she has to clear her balance of last year's leave (7 days) by end of August. Today is already 17th August... Boss will be clearing his leave the next 4 days.. which leaves her just next week to apply for her leave if she doesn't want them to be forfeited).
The problem is.. she does not need the leave.. not yet. The 'Eid' or raya itself seems like a long Public Holiday.. Wonder if this year, it will be different. No quarreling, no hasty words.. Just a calm and peaceful raya..
Ooo.. stop thinking negatively. One step at the time. Firstly, just fill up the forms so that Boss will not be bugging you on them. Something surely will come up near to the date. :) Who knows.. and this year might be a better one as she has got her license. :) Who knows, right? :) The important thing is to have completed the fasting month and gain God's blessings.
There. Finish and submitted the forms at last.

I was reading Shakespeare's 'Merchant of Venice' and it triggers a thought. The verse goes as below :
If you prick us, do we not bleed?
If you tickle us, do we not laugh?
If you poison us, do we not die?
And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?
If we are like you in all the rest, we will do the same as you in that also.
The villainy you teach me, I will return it back to you.
It shall go hard but I will better the instruction! Two times harder!
How true those words are.
If someone pricks you with a needle, you bleed. What makes some people think that if they prick us, we do not feel anything? Because they do not think. Full stop.
Some people are just insensitive to the feelings of others.
In your whole life, have you ever been a victim of a scam? Been unfairly treated? Been left or simply just been harassed by someone? Of course, there must be a time when you have been hurt by an act or by words. There's 2 ways in handling the hurt: Revenge and Forgiveness.
Firstly, there's Revenge with a capital 'R'.
When you can't get an apology or even repentance from the person, and the justice system fails, the thought of revenge increases until it becomes an obsession. You start to plan your retaliation. Questions such as, "What to do? And how to do it?" start to pop up in your head. You hurt me, I'll hurt you back. I feel pain, so must you. An eye for an eye. Revenge is only to liberate yourself from a degrading treatment. One can't lay down and accept all the abuse caused by bullies everywhere.
Good luck then on your quest to get even with someone. (take a look at The Avengers). Word of advice: if you are determined to have your revenge, you should be ready to accept any consequences of your act. Why? Things might get out of hand or the plan might backfired. Or you might suffer pangs of guilt your whole life if it was discovered after the prank that everything was just a stupid misunderstanding. If everything turns out accordingly to plan, you'll feel happy ..that is until the other person decided to attack you back.
The second way is just to keep your silence. Vengeance does not belong to humankind. It's hard to stay calm or not to do anything when someone hurts you. Instinct and a whisper from the devil would make you want to take the 1st way. But..things do happen for a reason, don't they? I always believe in the boomerang effect. Maybe I have done something bad in the first place and this is the effect of it. To forgive is easy, but to forget is another thing.
I am trying to be more patient (unbelievable..but true) and not to care too much. Time to cool down the Aries fire and not rushing into things. Trying to be like an oak tree (standing still) instead of the ever restless and sensitive cat. Have traded her pumping heart with one made of granite. More durable, unbreakable and emotion proof, hopefully. Silence makes a much better music for the soul. Words can be hurtful, just like breaking an egg. An egg once broken, remains broken.