On The Move
Busy and keep running here and there to catch up with all the pending work. Taking a short break to sit down a short while and write a note to you. Do hope that you will not feel like she ignoring you.. only that she's having her hand full of things at the moment.
There are some changes going on here. Everyone can feel it but we just could not quite grasp what it is. Everyone seems to be in a hurry to spend their money on holidays and things. July which is supposed to be a low season for us , hoteliers, suddenly become so busy. There's no Public Holidays or events planned for the month but the small hotels in Melaka are enjoying an occupancy averaging 60% on weekday and 100% on weekends. As for us, the big players, weekdays where we used to get only 35% occupancy previous year, we are getting 55-60% weekdays and also 100% on weekends.
I am not complaining , as more business means achieving more than the targeted budget. But still, weird changes without any logical explanation just bugs her. She hates it when she cannot explain things. :)
It could not be the coming fasting month. The pattern has always been the same: The month preceding the fasting month has always been a slow month. Is it because of the news that the price for food items and petrol will be hike up soon is making people making last minute travelling arrangements? But the prices increase effects only Malaysia. So... how do you explain the incoming travelers from Singapore? No Mega Sales at this time also.
Hmm.. just have to dig deeper and who knows what will turn up later on. Waiting patiently. Staying on alert mode.
Even in hotel line , things are starting to move again. Nowadays, people do not really look for employees with experience any more. The targeted future employees would be those fresh from Hotel school and university graduates. The reasons: These young people are young and still can adapt to changes more quickly. They accept a much lower salary (would not say how much lower) and are motivated, eager to learn.
And.. of course...the age factor.. :) who would not like to be greeted by fresh and sweet looking young things at the registration counter. It's not easy for the undergraduates and also not easy for the over qualified staff to get jobs nowadays... unless you are willing to make a go for the higher post (to gain the experience) and willing to close one eye on the salary factor. The only way is always be on your toes.. learn new things that are happening in the market/industry and keep your list of contacts updated. Be alert k.. and do tell cat on how you are doing too.

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