Say the word gallantry and there will be raised eyebrows. Since ages ago where women have been fighting for equal rights, equal pay and equal opportunity as men, some men have come to believe that respecting a woman is manly.
Some women believed that accepting a kind gesture from a man is a sign of weakness on her part. Women have been trying to prove that they are as qualified as men to do any job. We learn how to drive, to pay bills, to work twice as hard as men. We show that we can do overtime, can take care of ourselves and fight for any cause. We travel near and far, wear pants, we carry our own bags, laptops and files on our own. We do not need men to make us feel inferior.
By saying this, women might have made a mistake. Chivalry is not an act of men to assert their superiority over women. Chivalry in it's purest form is actually an act of kindness and selflessness.
Chivalrous acts consist of little things in life. A form of formality and courtesy. For example, when a man offers you a seat in an LRT at a rush hour, just think of it as an act of kindness and thank him for it. Some women would rather stand (even though they are tired to the bone) as not to be considered as weak. And by staring at the guy as if he has committed a serious offense, you might prevent him from offering his seat to another woman who badly needed it the next time.
For me, it still touches the heart when someone does an act of gallantry such as opening a door for her, offering a seat, offering to carrying her things, all this without even being asked to .. It's a sign of courtesy, generosity and consideration. You won't hear me asking a guy to do it..but when someone does it, I really like and appreciate it. It lightens the heart and brings a know that there are still people with enough kindness and courtesy in their heart. A heavy box is a heavy box.. and I would thank anyone who would help carry it without ever being asked.

P/S: It's 1000 times better to be presented with an act of chivalry than facing an act of rudeness. Isn't there already enough violence and abusive acts nowadays that a woman needs to face (until the mind become sore and numb) daily? An act of kindness at the end of the day would be a perfect ending to a tiring day..

dah pandai p bayar bil ke awak..?
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