What is 'procrastination'? No, it's not a bad word (grin) ..only a long one to write and a mouthful to say it out loud. To 'procrastinate' means to delay doing something. Procrastinators have a problem in having things done on time. Cat just knew the word today and the best way to remember something like that word is to use it the first chance you get. Voila :p
The problem isn't so bad when it's your own time that you are delaying. It becomes irritating when it's someone else's time that you are wasting. Have you thought about it? If you like doing that, the person that you are going to hurt the most will be yourself. The more you let that pile of file stacked on your desk.. the harder it will be to clear all those stuffs. It just hurts cat eyes to see the files not even been read yet and it hurts cat's ears to hear you requesting to 'just have one more day to get it done'. How can you work when your fingers are stuck at that handphone of yours, girl?
Time is a very important thing, as you cannot get back the time that you have lost. Alas, most of us prefer to play with it, waste it and kill it.
The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule BUT to schedule yourself according to your priorities. Well, you should know what is important and you should be making time to deal with it. You need to put meaning in what you do everyday so that you will be motivated to put your best effort in it.
If what you are doing doesn't have any meaning to you, then why do it at all?
Okay.. now that we have concluded on this, can Cat have that file on her desk at exactly 3.00pm today? If all those sms have more meaning than the pending work, then by all means, collect your last salary and use the the day after tomorrow, and after tomorrow, after tomorrow on sms-ing .
Hmm..6 out of the 9 working hours spent on 'sms'? Can I work for you instead? :)
No, Cat is not angry..:) just explaining the meaning of 'procrastination' for you. And another good word that you need to learn after this would be 'resignation' perhaps?

Signing off ,
Cat..counting 1, 2, 3 till 100...
Patience: It's the art of waiting for the right moment (and until patience runs out) before delivering the final bomb...
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