It does not matter how slowly you go..
As long as you do give up and stop.
Life as it is..Sometimes it rains and sometimes the sun shines brighter than ever...
Friday, 24 September 2010
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Yin And Yang
According to the Chinese, there are 2 forces in the universe that needs to be well balanced in order to achieve a peace of mind:
a) Yin : Feminine Force (darker) b) Yang : Masculine Force (brighter)
Where the French says that everything has a gender, the Chinese believes that everything can be either Yin or Yang
a) Opposites
Everything has it's opposites. No one thing is completely Yin or completely Yang. Each contains the seeds of it's opposites. Example: winter (Yin)turns to summer (Yang), when noon (Yang) turns to sunset (Yin)
b) Interdependent
Yin and Yang cannot exist without the other. Example, day cannot exist without night.
c) Co-existent
Yin and Yang must be held in balance. If one increases, the other decreases. If there is an increase of Yin, there is also a decrease in Yang.
Regardless of what our gender is, each of us have both Yin and Yang in us. Masculine energy is located at the left logical brain, while the feminine energy is located to the right creative brain. When we keep everything in balance, everything works well. But when we forget and use only one side, things go hay wired.
Imagine finding a partner in life that keeps you well balanced: He, fulfilling what is lacking in you at the same time you sharing what you know and do best to make life more colorful for each other. Someone to catch you when you fall, and someone you can make him laugh when he's feeling blue. Well balanced.. a soul mate that you only meet once in a lifetime.
But life is not about sleeping on a bed of roses. It's about making a journey back to the Creator while passing through many see how worthy you are and if you have learn any lessons.
The problem arises when one of them forces the other down. It's hard when religion is used as a tool to justify to a woman why she should still be subservient to a husband even though he had caused and is still causing pain to her.
Food for thought: Yin and Yang..
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Love And Marriage

Love is holding hands in the street.
Marriage is holding arguments in the street.
Love is dinner for 2 in your
favourite restaurant.
Marriage is a fast food take-out.
Love is cuddling on a sofa.
Marriage is deciding on a sofa.
Love is talking about
having children.
Marriage is talking
about getting away
from children.
Love is going to bed early.
Marriage is going to sleep early.
Love is a romantic drive.
Marriage is a tarmac drive.
Love is losing your appetite.
Marriage is losing your figure.
Love is sweet nothing in the ear.
Marriage is sweet nothing in the bank.
Love is a flickering flame.
Marriage is a flickering television.
Love is 1 drink and 2 straws.
Marriage is "Don't you think you've had enough!".
In short love is Blind...
Marriage is an eye opener..
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
It is never easy to admit that you have made a mistake.
Some blame it on their ego : Why should I be the one who does the apologizing?
Others dislike the look of 'holier than thou' shown on the other person's face.
Forgiveness is an acquittal of sorts. It frees you from dwelling in guilt. It mends strained relationship and let us see how immature we were at times.
We must learn to forgive whatever trespasses that has been committed against us so that we can move on with our lives. The faster you get it done, the better.
Monday, 6 September 2010
We Care Week

We are doing a 'We Care' week at this moment. Well, it's supposed to be for a month..but as usual, things do not turn out as we expected. So the event is cut short to 1 week only with hopes that the lesson will last for months (and miraculously least a year?). :)
The main objective is to create a 'Care' environment. To change the current working environment to a place with a positive flow. Where do we start? Maybe just with the person sitting right next to us. :) Why not?
All of us have been guilty at one time or another of disliking someone just based on their looks, money or status. Sometimes, we even accept someone based on who he/she associate or rate them based on their skills and competencies only. A very stylish but shy colleague might probably get this remark : Miss High & Mighty. Thinks she is so great that she won't make any eye contact with any of us. You think she would care to be friends with us?' Or when you see the cleaning lady doing her routine task in your office, do you just ignore her, thinking that she is a nobody and why should you waste time talking to her? How many times have you passed by a suddenly moody looking colleague and stop to ask why?
How well do we actually know a person or in some cases even ourselves?
As human beings, we all have a need to make someone or something important and worthy of our appreciation. There's a need to discover. There is a need to be noticed. There is a need to belong. We want to connect, improve, appreciate, protect, share and enrich each other in our own special ways.
Gossips and what other people says about us or do to us is not really about us. Sometimes they are the ones who have problems. But those words can effect us. If you show confidence onto someone, you will help them gain confidence. If you show distrust of them, they will very likely become sneaky. What we look for, will magically appears. People relates and responds to a certain situation at a certain time.
It's when we fail to care, that we give in to our ego. We become arrogant, judgmental, possessive and controlling. A smile and kind words costs nothing. Show that you care today.
Step back, and step out of your usual routine. Let's try and see the big picture.
Sometimes, we all need mirrors to remind ourselves of who we are.
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