Saturday 26 October 2013

Time Capsule

I was surfing the net, when I saw this site titled 'MyHeartWill'. The concept is exactly like leaving a will..but instead of money, you'd be leaving a legacy of memories or letters to loved ones to be opened in the future. Just like a time capsule. But instead of burying the time capsule deep down in the soil, you leave the time capsule with them to care and send it to someone at exactly the date 10, 15 years later.

Below is an extract from the site :

'Many of us keep our most precious memories on a shelf, in a shoebox or in the pages of a diary. We cannot be sure that these items will stand the test of time or that our memories will live on after we are gone.

Creating a Heartwill removes this uncertainty. A Heartwill is a secure, online safe box, where you can store letters, photographs, recordings and copies of memorabilia.

MyHeartwill is a place where you can create dedicated messages for friends and family which can be scheduled for delivery well into the future, enabling you to speak to the people you love even when your voice is still. It is a way to pass on elements of your emotional life - the beliefs, values and experiences that shaped you as a person - in a place where they can always be found.

Food for thoughts..

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