Monday 25 November 2013

Who Is Luckier?

'Some women choose to follow men. Some women choose to follow their dreams. If one day, you are wondering which way to go, remember this: Your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore'.

The above is a quote from Lady Gaga that urges a woman to work, be independent and free.

Life is like playing with a dice actually. You never know which number will turn up when the dice stops rolling. Who can say if being single and successful is good enough for you? Or is it more satisfying to have the love of a man even if you would have to share him with someone else?

You can wake up one day and find that the company doesn't need you anymore. You are being transferred to another job which you know that it's not your forte and being told that you could either take it or leave.

It is certainly the same as you are being told that he doesn't love you anymore and wants ton leave you. Same sickening feeling as if the air has been punched out from your body.

A woman can succeed in her career. Another may succeed as a mother. But can a woman really excel in doing both things at the same time? Juggling job and love? You may be able to do it with lots of patience. Maybe.

Luxury,nowadays, is no longer being seen as able to buy an expensive jewelery or a the latest pair of designer clothes. Some would say that luxury is spending the time at home, baking cookies, reading magazines and hanging out with the kids. Sundays have indeed become precious.

So, girl, you would better believe it that you are luckier than cat to have time to be back at home and able to cook dinner from scratch. You are one of the privileged.

Do not envy Cat who seems to be wearing chic clothes, staying late at the office and seems to be traveling here and there. You know, it could be lonely and tiring at times. No special someone waiting or coming to meet you at the end of the day.

When it comes to the subject of living a truly successful life, there are no clear answers. As good old teacher always say: The grass always look greener on the other side of the fence. Cat is grateful..even if life is not a bed of roses at the moment, it's still something to write about and something to be grateful of..

Still, wouldn't it be nice to take off the high heels and just spend an hour or two lazying around on the sofa, and then baking one of those tasty cakes from the various collection of recipe books on the shelves?

1 comment:

  1. I am always looking for a companion !anywhere,any place,any time,online,etc
