The hardest thing in life would be trying to understand people's motives.
The 2nd hardest thing for Cat would be trying to understand her car.
Or maybe.. it's not a question of understanding. Cat guesses it's more to 'pride'. And as the proverb says: 'Pride goes before a fall'.
Boss and the guys at the office were always making remarks such as 'women only know how to drive but do not know how to take care of their cars'. Lack of something better to do, and taking it as a challenge, Cat decided to give it a try. Well, Cat was thinking hard is it to take care of a small car?
Actually, Cat soon finds out that it's not that easy. Wanting to do and experience everything on her own, Cat kept doing silly mistakes. Enough to be in the same group as Mr Bean. Sigh.. at least Cat will remember what to do and what's not to do for the rest of her life. :)
Looking at a colleague's car, Cat was impress and envious with the sparkling tires and rims. After a half an hour of listening to the friend's instruction, off goes Cat happily to do her mission.
First step, getting the wax. That was the easiest part. There was a lot to choose from at the supermarket and all sorts of types: spray and wax. The spray looked a bit too liquid (:p Cat is looking at the substance and not at the ingredient). Not convinced that the spray will do the trick. Instead Cat chose a wax type of tire shine polish.
The instructions seems simple: Put a small amount of wax on a piece of cloth and wipe at the surface of the tire. Ok, here goes. After 2 hours of waxing, Cat was feeling pleased with the result. For 2 days the weather was sunny and Cat was happy with the tires. Cat has certainly forgotten the old idiom: 'Pride comes before A Fall'.
Today, it rains heavily. As you know, Cat loves to drive fast. At the 1st corner going out to the big road, Cat makes a fast turn as usual but the car skidded into the other lane a bit. Weird, as this was the first time it happens. Cat must have not been paying attention.
Then at the 1st traffic light, when Cat push at the brakes, the car did not stop completely. It went a bit more forward. That certainly make Cat's eyes grew bigger. Has Cat imagined what just happened. Cat decided to test the brakes again at the 2nd traffic light. Going fast and then brake. The same thing happened: the car went about 30 cm ahead before stopping.
Then Cat remembered. It must be the wax on the tires!
A call soon confirmed what Cat suspected. But, it was not entirely Cat's fault, isn't it?
'Surface', for Cat would mean : the outer face, outside, or exterior boundary of a thing.
The instruction on the box did say: to wax the surface of the tires. How would Cat know that it means only the part of the tire that can be seen. Cat has waxed the whole exterior of the 4 tires!
Nothing much to do now..except drive slowly and wait till the wax wears off (in a few days hopefully). Maybe Cat is just not made to understand instructions. :) Sigh..

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