Upgraded Version
Cat has always been a lover of books especially novels. Cat can finish reading a good novel in maximum 2 days of continuous reading. People eat food to live, cat absorbs books (you could always see cat anywhere with her nose in a book). Cat can tell you what a book is about from A-Z just by looking at the title.
All these activities came to a stop last 2 years when cat had some problems which change cat's whole outlook on life and faith. The novels were left aside. They provided good reading but it's certainly not real life. Cat was lost and just doesn't have any clue in solving the problems. Just hoping like in the story books, that things would pass and someone would help cat find the answer.
The encounter with serious materials/books came at this time. Unable to sleep, cat was searching for 'boring' textbook like materials to read to help getting sleepy. But instead of that, cat found the book interesting. It was an autobiography. Another person's real life story. That opened cat's eyes to try to find similar books. Then cat started a second, a third and a fourth book. One thing leads to another. Then cat found motivational articles and s friend gave cat her first 'Chicken Soup for the Soul'. One thing leads to another.
And each time, cat saw a pattern. These people whose life stories were recorded in the books have all tasted hardship and also success. The rich and famous. But then, at the peak of their lives, they were tested again. And this is where you could see there are 2 groups of people. One group chose to give up, self destroy all their achievements by taking drugs and alcohol. The Lost Souls.
The other group has taken a different path: to face whatever demons and struggles to survive and get out of whatever mess they are in. If there is no ready made door, they will find a window. Giving up is not in their dictionary. These are the very ones that found happiness. The optimists.
You can come from a rich or poor background. The past are events that are out of your control. You can't change whatever has happened. It's how you live your own life now that matters. Your self esteem, knowing your own worth and strength helps. Back to the basics. Start with your own self. You can never make someone else happy unless you are happy yourself. How to do that and what formula to use? There's no one specific way to it. As cat now learns.. each person has to find his or her own approach in understanding life. Some people can find the answer just by a click of the finger but some needs to experience things first hand before they understands. Formula A might work for A but it might not work on B. People can only guide you, but you need to find the answer yourself.
Nowadays, cat is reading books on religion, biographies and motivations. Sometimes it even took weeks to finish one single book. (smile). Keep stopping to think and absorb the ideas after each chapter. And of course , hehehe..finding someone to bug if cat finds the chapter hard to understand. Cat still read novels from time to time for leisure. You can never forget your first love (smile)
Cat weird? Nah..not at all. Just a bit different..and accepting it. :) It's not against the law to be different, isn't it ? (smile). Cat, in another way, is still the same cat: a bit childish and playful at times and with close friends, enjoys teasing people and being teased, laughing at jokes, open mouthed watching a magician performs his magic tricks, enjoys watching cartoons, loves people with a sense of humor and shed some tears watching a sad movie. Same cat but on upgraded and stronger version.
Signing off,
Cat V5 (18.1.10)
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