Swing little girl
Swing high to the sky
And don’t ever look at the ground
If you’re looking for rainbows
Look up to the sky
You’ll never find rainbows
If you’re looking down
Life may be dreary
But never the same
Some day it’s sunshine
Some day it’s rain
Swing little girl
Swing high to the sky
And don’t ever look to the ground
If you’re looking for rainbows
Look up to the sky
But never, no never, look down..
This is one of Charlie Chaplin's songs that Cat really love to hear again and again.
Cat is not a brave person. Everyone, in the park, was trying to make their swings go higher and higher until it seems like the ropes would break, and they were going to fly up to the sky. Some were even standing on the swings, showing off their skills , no doubt.

While being happy for them, Cat just enjoy swinging low. and enjoying the breeze. At the same time dreaming of things. Lost in her own world till it's time to go home. Mom would make a big fuss when she saw Cat's shoes (dusty.. as Cat used them to kick at the sand each time her feet landed on the ground, so that the swing would not stop swinging).
Though Cat is older now, Cat still like to have a go on the swings. (Particularly when no one is around. Grown ups are not supposed to play with the playthings there, for fear that their big frames will break the toys). Thankfully Cat's small size allows her to break the rules from time to time :D
Just to feel the breeze teasing and running through the hair, the hot sun giving it's warmth and light, and to loose yourself again in memories..with no thoughts at all of current problems. How Cat loves swinging to and fro.. and forget all the sad things..
