Sunday 19 May 2013

Revenge of the Weak

Revenge is best served cold, isn't that what they all say? Maybe that's also why women are good at writing mystery books. :) They put the emotions in their writing. :p

Here's an example of a writing on revenge (with a few modifications here and there of course :p):

I am not a bad person.
But when someone throws your heart on the floor, smashes it into thousands of small pieces..after you have given them your heart, time and soul, how would you feel? What would you do?

I do wish that they would all fall off a cliff and that I would not have to think about them anymore. Then I can move on. It;s not like I have suddenly lost my eyesight or was told that I only have 3 months to live. This is just a relationship, i keep telling myself.

Alas, my heart is telling me otherwise. It's not as simple as that. It's about hopes and dreams and self esteem. It's about a great change in life.

Of course I can go and see a shrink to get my head sorted out. But, deep inside, buried deep down, there;s a primeval part in me that just want to watch them beg, plead and suffer like what I had endured. Deep inside, there's a part of me that would quite like to have a bit of my own back.

Wicked thoughts. :) Hmm..sometimes , it's not the act of paying back that is satisfying. Just thinking of what you would do to the person, is enough. Well, you can't really hit a guy with your car, the law prohibits it. But you can imagine doing that..not once, not twice...but thousands of times if you want to.

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