Sunday 4 August 2013

Friend from Abroad

"Yesterday brought the beginning, tomorrow brings the end, and somewhere in the middle we became the best of friends." ~Author Unknown

Today, cat receive a visit from a 'friend' who came back for a vacation from Dubai. How she has changed. And how "we" have changed.

Yesterday, we were merely co-workers, each doing her own job and sometimes we do fight; spats more like it. She being on the customer point of view and cat being on the hotel's view (Trying to maximize the room revenue).

Last year, she resigned and went to try her destiny in Dubai. We had a fun time at the farewell party, with coke bottles splashing everywhere in the office and afterwards when things had died down, we sit down and talked. Bits and pieces of everydays life. And it continues with ym..and..slowly cat begin to understand her. She had thought of cat as a too strict a manager and cat had thought of her as being too playful. But under all that layers, there's a fine person underneath.

Today, seeing her in cat's office, with her previously short hair, which has grown longer and her sunny smile, cat did not have a chance to really talk to her. Well, dear ex-collegue, cat just want to say that cat is proud of what she has done, what she is today and for being a friend.

This is for her :
The aim of life is to live. And to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware. -Henry Miller-
Live life to the fullest, girl.

Signing off,

Life is pain, princess. . . anyone who says differently is selling something
-Wesley The Princess Bride-

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