Sunday 29 September 2013

The Short N Long of It

Women and their hair.

Yup, the never ending story. :) I have always sported short hair during the school days (except when I finally became senior in form 5. It's not a question of choice at all but a matter of convenience. To whom? My mum of course.

For mum, short hair meant less time to get ready for school (no pig tails to be tied up, no ribbons of matching colors need to be prepared), a dab of oily hair cream and Cat is ready to go. Of course, there's the story of the hair lice too.

At first, Cat was happy also with the short hair cut. Cat used to have wavy, unruly, thick and stubborn hair. How Cat can never make it follow instructions: despite combing it regularly and thousands of times, one side would nicely curl to the inside, while the other side would refused and came out like a duck's tail.

So, it was with a glad heart, she let mum cut it in a boyish style. Short and simple. But when you go to high school, being practical doesn't make you famous. The boys would make fun and teased Cat about her short hair. Those with long hair were a favorite as it seems more feminine to the guys.

After school, Cat had tried all sorts of style: short, mid length and long. Long hair was actually demanded less fuss than short hair. If it's too warm, all Cat need to do is to just tie it all up at the back into a ponytail or a bun. Same as during a travel trip, all you need to do after a wash, is to brush your hair rapidly, give it a toss, and then tied it up loosely with a scarf or put on a nice hairband. (And you need not run to a hairdresser to get it trim each month). If it gets too cold, just let your hair down and it will keep your neck warm and cozy. :)

But as you get older, a short hair cut makes you look younger. :) How flattering it feels to be mistaken for the daughter of the house when you are actually the mistress of it.

All in all, there are times and seasons for hair length. Follows the mood also, for a woman, a drastic change either in the length or color would usually mark some sort of changes in her life.

Maybe it is easier to be a guy. But, it's certainly lots more fun being a girl. :p Hmm.. what if Cat color her hair all white? Then no more worries about white hair appearing.. hehehe..just kidding.

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