Everyday is a Special Day
Below is an extract of Cleo's letter to Dzireena on her New Year Resolution that cat would like to share with you:
I am all for celebration. Celebrate life would be my resolution and my motto. I use my good china everyday. I don't have a closet full of stuff for special occasions. Everything has been used at least once. I wear my nice clothes and use my nice handbags and live in my own world where everyday is a special occasion.
Don't get me wrong. I did not say that there's something wrong in keeping that special stuff for that one day. But I am one of those people who would rather enjoy those things myself instead of letting my closet enjoy it. Life is too short to be outdone by your own closet.
In a way, life is too short to constantly wait for tomorrow. What if there is no tomorrow for me? Why can't I wear those shoes that i am saving for that special occasion today? How about that dress that is still hanging in the closet waiting for the right person to impress? By the time the right person comes, I might not fit into the dress anymore.
My advise id: Diamonds should be worn everyday and compliments should be given on the spot. It's never too late to pick up a phone and say hello or sorry to someone you haven't spoken to in several months or years. We should savor the moment, enjoy today and always do what we want. Seize every opportunity.
There is no room for 'What if..' and 'What could have been..'. A wasted opportunity always leave a bitter aftertaste. A lost moment leads to a lifetime of regrets. Never, ever, let anyone tell you that you can't or shouldn't do something.
And lastly, Think like a Man. Because thinking like a woman makes you think too much. So Carpe Diem and don't trample on anyone in your 4 inch shoes while you are at it.
Points to ponder, certainly. :)