Black. Dark, dark black. Put you hands in front of her..nope, nothing..except darkness. Has she became blind? Has the gift of sight been taken back? Doink! Hitting a door. Grr..why is the door there?, she can still see. No, it's not a dream also. Today is the day that the TNB decided to change the cable supplying the electricity to the animal kingdom. The King has rented a big generator during this exercise to ensure that all the visiting royalties will not be handicapped and the forest will not be in darkness.
Somehow the Murphy's Law decided to intervene. The generator somehow refused to work. Darkness, total darkness. Not even the emergency lights were on. The lifts were working slowly. She and friends had to take the stairs. Luckily, the mouse had the good sense of opening her handphone, and Voila! like a torch, the blue dim light guided us in our slow climb up the 6 flights of stairs. we know how out of shape most of us are.. hehehe.. Sweating from the climb.. dim light shining at the office area from nobody knows where, we silently collapsed into our chairs. Ting! oo..who is the person who touches the 'ON' button on the computer? Grr..everyone is staring at that person. The blue screen is asking her to put in her password. the darkness, the heartless computer still works!
'That is good!' a voice suddenly booms. 'Now everyone. Since the computer is working, there's no reason for us to loiter around. Let's start working as usual.' The poor girl was hiding under the desk. :p Ooo misery..misery. The keyboard and it's keys are in black. Of course it looks sophisticated.. but it's not easy to see what to type. Blinded by the blaring screen and squinting at the black keyboard.. Hmm.. can we get MC based on temporary blindness or insanity (must be crazy to come to work today). :)
LOA says think of the positive side.. be a positive person. Hmm.. what can she think of? Got it! :p At least she got to write this 'BLACK' posting for your entertainment. :p Yes..go ahead and laugh.. tomorrow might be your turn.
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