A Link To The Past

Why do you need to keep a diary?
Some people say that diaries are for teenagers and those who are considered as teacher's pet. The ones who wrote diaries, are those who sits in front in a classroom, nearest to the teacher and the blackboard. A diary is for the A-student who follows everything according to the rules. A, B, C, D ..till Z. There's no skipping an alphabet at all. And she was not one of them.
Oh yeah? Quite surprising..she did think that she was quite an angel in those days..well except for a few occasions (maybe..a bit more than that, depending on her mood). Grinning.
Well, those diaries are a link to her past. If she needs to depend on her memory, there will be a lot that she might have forgotten, lost in the maze of her mind as she gets older. A diary helps her to look at her life from a different perspective. Helps her to understand when a certain event marks the changes in her life. A diary also helps to make her more observant of the things that happens around her. Times and memories that are not to be lost.
Imagine, meeting your friends during a class reunion, and reading one of those diaries, sharing the time when we were studying far so late in the night, afraid of failing the final exam or the fond memories of silly things that we did just to get the attention of the head of the class... :p April Fool tricks that we played on each other and even the sadness that we all had felt when a few of us didn't get to further our studies together in the later years. Diaries teach us also to fret less and to smell the roses as we hurry down the long road of life.
Or, if you managed to stay with your loved one till old age (Que Sera Sera), just imagine sitting and reading about a particularly beautiful sunset where eyes got misty by certain endearing words and a hand that is dear is held.
Then getting to a page where things were not so rosy, when money was an issue and sleep was hard to achieve as worries took over, wondering about bills. Just imagine sharing back those times of worry and happiness again. How to remember again the aspirations and despair of those years without a diary? Memories are a feeble thing.
Every human life is a free fall in time. Her diary would not be important to anyone else. Just bits of things that happen in newspapers, events in the country that effects or touches her concern.. but mostly it's about her life and thoughts. Just a record of who she is (how and why :) so that those who come after will know where she comes from. One of the items in her time capsule.
Those blank pages in a diary can become your dearest friend, waiting for you to say whatever you wish to say, then be tucked away, locked and silent till the right moment comes.

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