Today, I read a nice post by Brenda Rosaeen on "Grateful". This is her article:
You don’t have to wait till the end of the day. You can stop what you are doing right now. It doesn’t take but just a few minutes,(seconds actually) and think about things that you LOVE. There are probably hundreds of things you can list that you LIKE. Don’t list those items. Your list should give you a feeling, that when you read the words, it’s as if you are there and your senses are activated.
Take a deep breath, relax. What are the first things that come to mind when you think of things you love? That instantly puts a smile on your face and gives you a feeling of peace? Notice how your mood begins to change when you take a minute or two, to focus on each one?
Things that I love? Those are thoughts that made me smile and they are also thoughts that make me sad..
buat aku tersenyum :)