You Got Mail..
In the old days, it was so hard to send news. There was practically no system of transportation except by walking or by boat down the river. If you are expecting a child and your husband is away in another region, by the time your letter reached him and he rushed back home..the child might already be 6 months old. Really. This is in the history books: The letter carrier would have to walk through jungle, went up and down the hill, up and down deliver the letter safely (that is unless he's not being eaten by a tiger lah). :p
Then the Dutch, the Portuguese, The British, The Japanese came to the land. The roads were better (no more red lanes, lesser jungle) and bicycles, motorcycles and lastly cars were introduced. People went to school and learn to write. Writing pads and letters were a hit. A letter or a postcard can reach the receiver in a matter of 3-5 days only (depends on where the address is, of course). All is well..then came the time where a big postal scandal was discovered: there were tons of letters found at a rubber tapper's plantation! Ooo..a postman was playing truant and went elsewhere instead of delivering them. The sun always shine after the rain. The postal service became much better and more organised.
Now, there's the electronic services: e-mail, YM, Chat messengers and SMS (of course). Such a big leap from the older days. Messages in a blink of the eye..anywhere, anytime. Hurray for the modern technology.
The message here is: After all the hard work that those people had done to deliver messages, please send news more often. :p No excuses! Especially if you are reading this, a line a day would be sufficient for those that are waiting to hear from you.. Three words would also be good :p hehehe
that was a very gentle reminder to us all..a litle spank in the head ..surely will make the leg or finger move..those 3 ltrwrd just a tap in the keyboard away..