To Accuse is Easy..
There are times when cat just want to leave everything and give up. There are times too when cat just feel like throwing something at someone (smiling..well, cat is almost human). And there are times when cat just wish that she is deaf so that she would not hear anything at all.
Why? Because some people just love to judge others based on what they see on first glance or by what they hear from others. Why don't they just take the next step and ask or give advices if they really think that the thing is wrong. Why wait till the thing is done, then said 'I told you so'.
If you see a kid playing with matches and papers, why don't you just go tell the kid that how dangerous it is to be doing that. Or does it gives people satisfaction to go around telling others how bad that kid is and how the events will turn out if he keeps playing with those items. Or do they hope that by telling it to someone else, that someone else will talk to the child, instead? In the end, no one did, but instead the child was wondering about all the weird look people were giving him. You know how gossips starts: it begins with an innocent remark, told from one ear to another. And as words were passed on, things get twisted and the story became exaggerated and moved away from the original remark. And one day, the kid would just use the matches to please everyone's expectations on what he will do.
Cat knows..that is how life is. It's not an easy path and every test is expected to make you into a stronger person. Alas, it still hurts to hear or see words that insinuated on things that is not totally right. First reaction is to be angry. Second, came the sense of how unfair it is. And now, just to let it go. What's the use of getting upset. At least you'll have a clear picture and the time to think things out. Not changing cat's mind anymore.
To think of it, to accuse is always easy...The hard part is to be at the 'accused' person's seat.
Signing off,
Do not gossip except online,you'll get more traffic!