Poison Pen Letters
Poison lettter, (in Malay, this is what we call 'surat layang'), is as nasty as it sounds. Letters sent out by anonymous people with the intention to upset, produce anger and sometimes fear also to the person who receive it.
To what purpose? God knows.. but bad intentions surely. Even now, there are still enough poison letters going around..(maybe..not so much as by paper..but also through sms and through the e-mail.
A friend recently showed Cat a poison pen letter that she received. It was short and barely a page long. It was rather the content of the letter that upsets her as it was a highly critical accusation against her. The sender was implying that Cat's friend is being 'over friendly' with boss in order to get her recent promotion. What nonsense. Everyone knows how hard she worked for it. And worse of all, the sender is certainly a coward in refusing to reveal his or her identity.
Some people would say that it's only words. However..it does matter if the accusation is untrue, it's what people believes. Of course, having someone tell you off in front of your face is not very pleasant either..but at least you do have an opportunity to defend yourself. It's the same thing as when someone said bad things or put a series of accusations on the comment at your blog and then goes to hide behind the name of 'Anonymous'. You don't have a name or a face to ask for further clarification. Gossips..do travel faster than Air Asia.
Some people would advise just to ignore the poison letter. Treat it as rubbish. But it is hard to do that at times. To the person, Cat would just like to recite a proverb : Some things that are fun to you, might be death to others. These are the stuff that contributed to broken marriages, friends turning into foes and careers hurt just because of a person's feelings of resentful, envy or discontent was voiced out by the wrong channel. Hmm.. sometimes it just baffles Cat.. what does a person really gets from all these?
Cat's teacher used to say that be careful of your words and what you write. Words are like prayers. Each words that you utter (be it good or bad) has an impact in deciding the success or failure for someone. And everything is like a ripple on the water when you throw a stone in it. The ripple becomes bigger and it might even reach you back. What goes around comes around.

Good night..sleep peacefully and hopefully your conscience will stay clear..
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