A Miracle..
Today, we went to the hospital to visit a friend who has just given birth to a beautiful baby boy. The baby was sleeping and had a look so pure and innocent that cat's heart just went to him. His eyes were closed, yet his tiny hands and legs moved slowly under the blanket that was wrapped tightly around him.
For the first time since these last few days, cat's heart lightened. Cat kissed the baby gently and closed cat's eyes. You know..that baby smell..the best smell in the whole world. And as cat's lips touched the baby's soft tender cheek, cat fell in love with him. A miracle...this feeling of love.
The mother was still lying on the movable bed. She looked tired but her face was glowing. "The baby is beautiful", cat told her. Suddenly, she picked him up and passed him to cat.."Would you like to hold him, cat? Ooo..Cat's eyes were big. Did she really said that? Yes, she's is still looking at cat and holding the sweet child.
Holding the small precious bundle, all the sadness left cat. How lucky his mother is. Understanding slowly came to cat. Life is worth having when you have someone to tend to and that someone needs you too. Without that bond, life would be empty. Motherhood is a special status that Allah has bestowed upon selected women. It is something that most women dream of achieving but not everyone of us is given such an honor.
Hugging the small baby delicately, Cat gave him a last kiss and returned him to the mother who's shining eyes never left the baby. Warmth came back to cat's cheeks. Oh, how cat wish that he was cat's. But it would not do any good in wishing and envying others.
God answers but in an indirect way. Trial and lessons to make the faith stronger..especially to those that is a bit slow like Cat. Typical of cat, isn't it..strong in theory but weak when it comes to actually doing it.
'God created you from one being and from that being He made it's mate. He created you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation, in three fold gloom.Such is Allah your Lord' (Az-Zumar 39:6)
Signing off,