It's true what they said: the wheel of life does turn around. Cat had thought that the wheel is stuck and Cat will never see an example of 'retribution' on earth.
Cat knows..it's not good to wish something bad to others..but most of the time cat only sees the good gets trodden, trampled, bashed..that Cat wonders if the contrary does happen.
And today, Cat saw it. Really... M had an accident yesterday in which he was hospitalized-having broken ribs. Everyone was silent when they heard the news. Poker faces everywhere. Try as hard as Cat wanted to (God, please forgive Cat.., Cat is only able to find a tiny bit of sympathy inside cat. Guilty conscience prevailing, Cat and a friend gave a call to the hospital to ask about his state..and..oh..grr..he's still the same arrogant person. Oh, again, dear God, please forgive Cat for having bad thoughts (smile)
All that aside, Cat was thinking that..well, the wheel is still turning. And once it moves, it will continue to do so. There will be time when whatever bad things that you have done will get back to you. When? Only time can tell.
And, it makes Cat a little pensive and sad tonight. There will be a time when Cat too will have to grit her teeth and bear whatever comes onto Cat's way. Hmm..
For the time being, hoping that God will understand.
Still looking with shiny eyes and hoping for the best. No regrets...ever. But a heart wishing a wish and hoping that all will turn out well.
Thank you God. Cat is grateful for the everything and for the reminder.
Signing off,