Baby Hatch Part II
Some of you would remember that cat did wrote a posting on the Baby Hatch issue a few months ago. Firstly, cat would like to thank all those who has supported the cause as this is one of the topics that touched cat's heart and which cat supports with all her might: The fate of an unwanted child.
As an update, Malaysia's first baby hatch was finally launched on 29th May 2010 by Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil from the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development after a long debate on the issue since February 2010. It is certainly a big step in trying to prevent the abandoning of unwanted babies in dumpsites and garbage bin..or even worse.. finding the remains of a newborn child in water tanks and public toilets. A sad fate indeed and one which made it seems like we are going backwards to those pagan days.
The baby hatch.. a small first step in saving a life. Cat really hope that those desperate mothers would now have an alternative (with the existence of a baby hatch) instead of simply taking the life of an unwanted child.
What will happen to the babies? The baby hatch , which is managed by OrphanCare (an NGO), helps to match and place the babies with suitable adoptive parents and assists to expedite the adoption process. At last, no baby should be left to die just because the mother doesn't know where to turn to.
Then ..why does cat seems sad? Cat should have been the happiest person because that the Baby Hatch idea is actually now opened after she has been giving her full energy and support to it. Why? Because there's a side of it that cat has never thought of before.
Cat has forgotten her own lesson: there's always 2 sides to think of..even when the idea is good. It's the issue of a muslim mother is required to give the baby birth certificate. Previously, cat was neither pro nor con with this issue with a bit of reserve that this will prevent unwed Malay mothers to leave the child at the hatch.
Cat should have taken note of the other problems that arises in later years. This is one of the lessons that cat should have picked up during the volunteer part at the orphanage. A child with no background, even adopted, will have problems in obtaining an identity card as the names of parents are not there. If you are an indian adopted by Chinese parents, how do you prove to the authority that the birth certificate was not falsified when the certificate has a Chinese name on it?
The other part is the question of lineage.. how do you know that you are not marrying your own sister or brother when you do not even know where you came from? Lots and lots of problems..
Cat does acknowledge that the hatch is not the solution for all the problems but it does help to save a life. A life is a life.. and you should save whoever you can. Only that it still needs some rethinking on it on the part where what will happen to these children later on..
Signing off,
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