Green Fingers
She was holding her two hands in front of her. Looking at the palms and turning them around. Looking at them again, nearer..closer. Hmm.. do you see what she sees? :p No? Well, she also sees nothing unusual on them. These hands are no different than yours. Definitely. :) Affirmatively
But.. there's a mystery here. If our hands look the same..(same texture..only the softness or the hardness is different of course.. :p) but why is it that all the plants that she planted died? Hmm..a great mystery there. Why does the flowers keep on blooming with all sorts of colors at the neighbor's garden next door? Why are there no ants or snails on the other side of the fence? We are using the same fertilizers, same composts and same soil.. Isn't that a great mystery?
'The answer lies in having green fingers', says the lucky neighbor.
'Green fingers? Those are only fictions, aren't they? Where is there a person who has a magic touch that can make anything grow in her/his garden?' says me. There must be something that I can grow too.
Chillies? No..doesn't work. Cat's tail? Only for 2 weeks..Roses? Let's do Not talk about it. :p hehehe. Orchids? Only the pots are there..filling up with green grass. Ouch.. Sunflower? It just grew to the height of a..mmm...She has lost the words in comparing it to anything. Maybe she can never be a farmer :) Maybe she should just cement the whole green area and put plastic flowers there.

P/S: How about this for a solution . :) She will plant CACTUS only from now on. Seems that she can grow cactus very well at the office :p hehehe
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