An Internal GPS

Cat has been looking up at the night sky almost every night. Even when it rains, clouds adding the darkness to the landscape, Cat would still take time to at least steal a glance upwards. Sometimes you see things better with the heart, and not with the eyes.
There are times when Cat feels like an alien. Not 'aliens' as what some people like to put names on others. But..'aliens' as in 'Terminator' or 'Aliens' or 'ET' (extra terrestrial beings).
Seriously, there are times when all that Cat does, is misunderstood by others.What is logic to Cat, seems illogical to others.
Weird? Cat doesn't think so. She has tried to change her ways but, it's just that when series of unpredictable events happened at the last moment ( there's a lot of them too), the way Cat took action is regarded as non conformist. Rebel? No, not at all. When things needed to be done, Cat just went and do it, not thinking of what effect it would have on those that are close to her.
Wise men say, only fools rush in. And that would define Cat.
Maybe that is why if you look at Superman and Batman , you would see why they end up being lonely.
Taking in the fact that Cat is no hero, it hurts more when the explanations were treated as odd, childish, and not what a normal responsible adult on earth would do. To avoid more misunderstanding and arguments, you would just keep it all to yourself and just apologize.
But, it does make life lonely when you cannot share things with those closest to you. You cannot show your real self but be what is expected of you. Acting your age and doing what is expected.
Cat was wondering...if there are other beings on the planets above, would there be an alien who feels the same as Cat? Feeling out of place? Would it be that we were mistakenly placed at the wrong moment and at the wrong universe? Can we exchange places again..? As now, it's either Cat hurts someone else feelings or she hurts her own by trying to please others.
Well, Ms Alien, do send Cat a UFO least an internal GPS to implant in her head so that she can think and act like the others? Wishful thinking, Cat. Joining the United Nations would be a better and closer to home,wouldn't it?
P/S : Sorry if Cat makes everyone upset and worry about Cat. It was certainly not done with intention. Just Cat and her odd ways. Would staying away.. makes it easier? Hmm...
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