Talking Codes

It has been some time that cat has not written anything here.
Has been doing some thinking, some reading, some learning, some talking, some walking and lots of sums. :p Learning more about the internet, programming and blogging.
Conclusion? It's not that easy. It's much more faster to write an article than trying to know the programming for color codes, making a photo larger or smaller, and doing the roller post. What is cat talking about? It's the back engine thing..widgets, design.. and codes.
Some would ask cat: why waste time trying to learn all that? As long as cat can write and put pictures on her posting, it would be enough. It's the nature of cats. Curious animals. When cat is unable to sleep (yes...the insomniac thing has return), cat loves to go blog walking and google anything that comes to mind. And during the finger tapping activities, cat couldn't help seeing interesting widgets at friend's blog. And cat being cat, she just ask questions straight on. And afterwards, when her student... :p and friend is online, she will ask Student how to do it.
Cat believes that there's no harm done in knowing new things. Who knows..if one day (God forbid it!) cat is out of her current job, at least she can survive in this technology savvy world. tell you the truth, all these code things just drives cat over the wall. :( It's not easy especially when you do not have any IT background).
Mostly, what cat managed to learn is due to a friend, who has the patience of a saint, to teach cat slowly step by step till cat can do it on her own. There is one or two widget programs that cat has abandoned due to her small head almost exploded with overloading of codes. And Friend was kind enough to send cat the whole written program for cat to try on her own.
Cat just do not know how he can absorb all those numbers and stuffs. :) Cat guess that God must have created friend with a bit more codes and widgets than any of us. In return, Cat is teaching friend to be less serious.. and to appreciate the simple things in life other than numbers.. :p
Lastly, just an exercise to refresh the mind.. :p
01010100 01110001, 01100110 01100110 01110010 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 01111001 01110100 01101000 01101000 01101110 01100111... :)
Signing off,
01000011 01100001 01110100 :p (laughing)