Un-Lucky Winner
Cat is tired.
Mom : Sorry Cat. Could you come home now?
Cat : What's up, mom? Are you ill?
Mom : No..but I have good news!
Cat : I'm in the midst of doing the budget. Can you tell me first what is the news?
Mom : Well, I got this SMS from Celcom, saying that I have won RM 30,000! Imagine that.
Cat : What did this sms said?
Mom : 'Congratulations! Your phone number has been selected as one of Celcom's Lucky Prize customer of the month. Please go to the nearest CIMB Bank and input your account number with the below special 4 digit password to obtain the RM 30,000 prize'!
Cat : What number is on the sms? Is it an office number or a handphone number?
Mom : It's a handphone number. And I've called there cat. Someone picked it up and said that I need to follow the instruction in half an hour's time or the prize will be given to someone else! I can't wait, cat!
Cat : Hmm...Is there something else, mom, that you have not tell cat?
Mom : Well, actually, he ask me to it in 15 minutes. But I managed to plead and get him to give me 30 minutes as we don't have any ATM machines nearby in this area.
Cat : Mom, let me have the telephone number please.
Mom : Well, you can't call him cat. He said that only call from my handphone number will be accepted. And I am to call him when I am at the ATM machine.
Cat is biting her lips and closing her eyes.
Cat : Mom, it's a scam. One of those get rich fraud thing. No one would give you RM 30,000 just like that and then ask you to go to the ATM machine. Once you gave him your Bank account details, blink..all your savings will disappear.
Mom : But..what if it's a genuine thing cat? RM 30,000 is a lot, you know.
Cat : Mom, if Celcom is really going to give you something, it will be done in a professional way. Calls, letters, press. Cheque and not bank in thing like this. They won't ask for your account number. Don't move ok. Cat will try to get back as soon as possible. Just don't move.
Ooo..cat just can't believe that mom would fall for that trick..and she reads the newspaper everyday. Guess, sometimes people would say, all this happens to everyone else except me. But when it is about yourself, you tend to lose the focus and forget what happened to others.
Rushing back as cat just can't trust that mom will sit still when she gets an idea in her head. Hope that she'll listen to cat.
Signing off,
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