Silent Nights
A guy was having a great time with his partner, suddenly a touchy topic comes up. All of a sudden the girl's mood changed. He asked her what is wrong, and she says 'Nothing'. You know that when a girl says 'Nothing' , it usually means that the thing is a 'Something'.
What did the guy do then? He put his arm around the girl and say: 'Come on. I know that something is bothering you'. But the girl remain stone silence. Next thing you know, she took her pillow and walk out from the room. He just watched her go as he is a bit irritated now. He thinks that she is behaving in a childish manner and doesn't like it.
A research shows that 29% of husbands and 21% of wives reported no conflicts at all during the first year of their marriage. But 16 years later 46% of the couples had divorced. It seems that wives use a lot of the silent in the first year but then began to mellow in later years. It maybe because when women are married longer, staying together and the relationship becomes more important to them.
However, the men remains constant. They did not seem to be improving nor getting worse. Maybe men feel they do not know what works with women. So when the women are silent, the men just let them be.
Maybe sometimes, we just need to be direct with each other. Sit down and tell your man why and what made you feel hurt. Most arguments are silly. The more you can let go of small issues, the better. Need to work things out so that no one would feel that they have to become silent.
Do not be afraid to upset your partner. You know that you cannot be close to someone with whom you are afraid to discuss feelings.
Waahhh!! Those cats are moving. Cute je!
ReplyDeleteI think I believe the statistics.
Whatever it is kena byk bersabar in life.