Uncomprehensive Things
'Your eyes will always see through me, And bring me to my knees...'
Boss is driving cat up the walls. Redo reports, more meetings and doing stuffs that even his secretary can do. Why? Just because cat does not agree on certain issue. Total loyalty? Depends.. cat would need to be convinced before cat can do that.
What evil thoughts lurking behind those spectacles? Punishment, of course, coated with an icing of sugary words. Cat looked back at boss and slowly answered without changing the expression. "Ok, I'll stand at the counter the whole day". Afterwards, cat is as usual: serious, smiling, talking with the others. Eyes were watching cat..you won't catch cat grumbling or being angry because of that. It's not a case of being hypocrite but a need to show boss that cat will not break under any pressure. Cats can be stubborn creatures at times.
Then, a message came from a dear friend. Laughing, cat was telling about today's event. Two words.. and only 2 words.. "Poor Cat.." and all the hidden emotions came to the surface. This is why Cat is turning away and keeping quiet because in close friends lies cat's weakness. When you are hurt, it's better to be among those who doesn't know you well enough. Then, you can keep your hold on your emotions. Tears are not certainly not meant for the public.
Let cat keeps her distance until she's got it all out from her system. Don't be too nice to cat, it will only make her weak. If you still want to do it, then don't do it from far away. Do it when you are beside cat.. :) then cat can have your shoulders to cry on.
Signing off,
“God, please grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change... and the courage to change the things that I can. Thus, grant me also the wisdom to know the difference between the two..."
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