What would you do..
I was reading this article: What would you do when you feel depressed or heartbroken?
Among the most common answer was to go and raid the fridge. Find whatever there is in the fridge and stuff yourself. Food is understood to be the fastest way to fill up the empty space that you feel in your heart. But the side effect of this is the weight gain that you get at the end of this binge. And all the extra weight will only make you more depressed, and you'll keep on eating, and more depressed.. the vicious circle keeps going on and on. (Drinking also has the same effect on your body and mind).
The second suggestion is to be alone, go somewhere quiet to lick your wounds. This was also 1 of my reply the last time. Go somewhere quiet, listen to sad, sad songs and have a good cry. (My favorite song was: "Unbreak My Heart" by Toni Braxton. Can really listen to it hundreds of time in one day. The best song to hear when you are sad). But most of the times, this strategy will only make me more sad than ok. You really won't feel like seeing anyone at all and just want to bury yourself deeper into yourself.
Now, I have changed the strategy. Seeing that tape on the "Law of Attraction", I have discovered that you need to do a reverse psychology. (This is really not an ad for the tape. Just one of my experimental studies). It doesn't mean that you can't be sad. Of course you can.. I will still take some time to be alone. But this time I will set a time limit to it (2 hours max. enough kan?). In this 1 hour I will listen to Toni Braxton (what else) and then think about the problem. After the time is up, I will try to think something positive about it. Positive thinking attracts positive attitude and the world will not look as bleak as what it was just now. And stop all the sad songs. Writing and chatting with friends helps too. Laughing is surely the best medicine.
I may still be sad inside (unavoidable. You can't change a black cat to be a white cat..unless you dip it into a can of white paint) but at least not depressed or melancholic. :) And lastly, prayers. After you have tried your best, the next step is to talk and pray to God. After all..we are only human, and there's a limit to what we can handle on our own.
Instead of breaking down, you'll discover that you are getting stronger inside. Start with a little step and have faith. Just sharing with you what I have learn the hard way
Nice post. Very meaningful. Hope you'll have more of these :)
ReplyDeleteWhat an encouraging post. Agree with you on the prayer suggestion. Find that prayer always helps when it seems there is no way out
ReplyDeleteYou are one wise Cat. Folks can feel all kinds of things, but there's no need to let feelings get control. Prayer's a great way to keep them in their place.