To Have An Answer

Many of us have stories to tell. But how many are able to tell their story that they do not look like they are washing dirty linen in public? To tell or not to tell the whole story without being ashamed or opening your wounds to the whole world.
There's also the fear of being condemned by people who do not understand the situation. People who would make judgment based on face value. People who does not have the patience to try to understand or hear both sides of the story.
Some people say..'there are others who are suffering more than you'. That might be true..but when you are hurting so much inside, those words do not mean much to you. It just makes you close your mouth automatically and walk away thinking that no one understands. Only those that have endured hunger would know how it feels to be hungry. No amount of reading or listening would prepare you for it.
Life is certainly not a bed of roses but it's not without hope also.
Sometimes, it just feel like there's no use of going against the tide. Not being a superwoman, I cannot save the world or change the way things are.
At times when things are dark and feeling weary to the bone, a memory came to mind and make a smile appears. When all seems like emptiness, someone came and fill up the vast space with kindness, understanding and love.
To have someone to believe that you are strong enough to go on... Someone who pushes away all the tiredness and replaces them with hope and 'bling bling' shining eyes.
Why would a person want to be with an imperfect someone? He melted the heart with this answer : That his heart needed me.

Tell me dear heart.. is this all a dream..?
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