Crossroads.. a friend was talking about crossroads.
He saw the crossroads as a new beginning: a place where you meet new and old friends. Crossroads, to him means hope and friendship. me, means choosing, deciding, beginning a new journey and leaving something behind. Funny, how even one word can have different meanings between friends. Like the Malay proverb says : Two people can share the same hair color, but the heart and opinion is individual.

Standing at my own crossroads. There seems to be so many crossroads and decisions to make. There seems to be no clue as which is the best way..or the shortest way.. or ..the hardest way? The wrong way, maybe?
No turning back. Once decided, you just got to give your best shot. If you are lucky, you'll meet and make friends on your journey. There will be hard times as well as good times. Make sure all the important items are in your bag and go on with your eyes wide often.
Sometimes, you'll feel lonely. You'll feel sad. Sometimes you do get lost on your way (a ketchup smudge making a deceptive spot on your life map). Keep your faith. There are stars to show you the way and angels watching silently and keeping guard when you sleep. And there are friends praying for your safety.
Maybe both our versions are correct. We may meet at the same crossroads at certain points in life. For cat, it might be more to leaving the past behind..and for him, it might be looking forward to a new beginning. It's just looking from different perspectives. Glad to meet you and have you walking with cat for as long as you want or till our path need us to part again at different crossroads.
Crossroads, roads, highway, junctions, round about.... sweet dreams to all..

It absolutely agree
ReplyDeleteWillingly I accept. In my opinion, it is actual, I will take part in discussion. Together we can come to a right answer.