Saturday, 14 May 2011

Give and Take

Everyone wants happiness and nobody wants pain
You cannot make a rainbow without a little rain..
Juneita's note last Sunday goes as such:
'Very often in our lives, few things touch us and move us because it does not happen directly to us. We might watch or read the news about a big flood that destroyed provisions, houses and separate family members from each others. We feel sorry for them, we send some cash or clothes. Then we turned the pages and move on with our lives.'

How true, Juneita.
When horrible things happen to others, we give advise, we sympathize and sometimes wonder why the person inflected with the problem cannot think of ways to solve them. Sometimes, we even think that if we are in the person's shoes, we would certainly tackle the problems better than them. We give them a pat on the back, and say 'Do not be so depressed, there are others whose burden are heavier than yours'.

(How I hate that sentence. Those that have not been tested, would not know nor understand how it feels when your world crashes on top of your head. To not know where to find the fund or to find solution to the problem. Or to lose everything that means to you)

Yes, we could imagine how they feel. We can say that we will be well prepared when the time comes. Yet, when disaster strikes you or your family, you are still uncertain of what to do. And at that time, action is needed more than words.

In cases of emotional emergency, we might never be ready. But in cases of natural disasters, death, sickness, we can be prepared and help those around us to be prepared for it too. How? Remember how your mum used to do it? By giving supporting roles to the kids in daily life.

Maybe that's it. Going back to the basics..building a closely knit family units. Start by teaching the eldest to mind and care for the younger siblings. Learn to get the children to take interest in helping to prepare dinner when you are cooking. Give them a list of uncles or aunties to call in times of emergencies. It always help to have an older person to be with them in time of need.

For those that do not have families or relatives nearby, for single mothers who had had to raise their children on their own and others on their own, close friends and neighbors would be a substitute for non existing relatives. After years of struggling singularly to carry the burden, maybe it's time to to accept the fact that we do need others as others need us. A family unit, a neighborhood community, a caring society.

At the end of the day, it's not only about asking help from another. But also about what we can do for others that needed our help. Maybe it's also about making life much better and nicer for everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Deep inside our hearts stands a good and bad which will exactly surface when the time comes.We may hope the good always on top of it.We might need others to be part in our daily life and at the same time do not forget there is someone who always beside us in any condition and circumstances HE Is Always There for everyone!
